Impression West Lake

Someone at some point recommended seeing the Impression West Lake show, and my parents expressed interest, so we made a plan to go and went. Siqi drove us to the Yellow Dragon Stadium complex and parked, and we all walked to the ticket office, had dinner at a noodle place nearby, watched the show, and went back to the car.

See below for 20 photos from our walk and the show.

Walk from stadium

Huanglong (Yellow Dragon) Stadium.
Some other adjacent sports center.
Stadium from the front.
A nice addition to my Manhole Covers of the World collection, featuring the famous Hangzhou “Three Pools Mirroring the Moon” set of lanterns in West Lake.
Some kind of park area, with light from the setting sun.
No idea what kind of flowers these are.
IDK, more flowers!
The other metal cover was gas, this one is water.
Bonsai! Looks like the rocks and trees in Huangshan…

Impression West Lake Show

This show consists of 9 unrelated segments (described briefly online and on screens you might or might not be able to see from your seats).

I felt like the tickets were expensive for a casual outdoor venue (US$60 each for “VIP” seats), and I have a hard time appreciating dance that doesn’t tell a story. Also, the stage is covered in water. That’s the point; it enables some unusual effects. But I kept thinking how uncomfortable I’d be if I were having to dance in water… maybe that’s just me. Your mileage may vary!

The photos below don’t give much sense of the dance, and none at all of the music, but you can see that the lights are pretty!

Return to Stadium

Bonsai at night!
Stadium at night!