Book Log

I read a lot. I've been keeping a book log since the beginning of 1999. I've read 2201 books since then (about 81 books per year).

Below is the list for this year. See complete list.

Currently Reading

Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Jules Verne, translated by Frederick Amadeus Malleson This is one of the more famous Jules Verne stories. It keeps popping up on lists of classics. But I haven't read it, so I'm reading it.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter 2)
by J.K. Rowling Reading this with my husband, who has never read the series.

Finished Reading

Title and Author (Series)Finished
Innate: How the Wiring of Our Brains Shapes Who We Are
by Kevin J. Mitchell
Entwined Lives
by Nancy L. Segal
Aspects of the Novel
by E.M. Forster
by E.M. Forster
A Passage to India
by E.M. Forster
Howard's End
by E.M. Forster

6 books finished so far.

1,355 pages in the selected books (an average of about 225 pages each).

Fiction books: 3 (50%)
Non-fiction books: 3 (50%)