Hengshan Garden Hotel, Shanghai

How do you choose a hotel when you travel? I wanted a nice hotel in Shanghai, somewhere reasonably central, not too expensive, and not too modern and soulless.

I figured I could skip the research phase of hotel selection and just book the hotel in the French quarter that I remember staying at before, in 2010—if I could figure out which one it was. Luckily, in 2010 I took a photo of the hotel sign!

Still, booking was not as straightforward as I assumed it would be. The hotel had been bought by the hotel next door, so the name had changed, from Hengshan Picardie Hotel to Hengshan Garden Hotel. Upon arrival, we discovered they had closed down what had been the main entrance on the corner. In fact, not just the lobby, but also the rooms we stayed in weren’t in the original building I remembered. Still, the experience was fine overall.

See below for 10 photos of the hotel, then and now.

Hengshan Picardie Hotel, 2010

Corner entrance of Hengshan Picardie Hotel, 2010.
Hengshan Picardie Hotel sign, 2010.
Front of Hengshan Picardie Hotel, 2010.
Hengshan Picardie Hotel, 2010. You can see a bit of the next-door hotel at the top right.

Hengshan Garden Hotel, 2024

Corner building of Henghshan Garden Hotel, night, 2024.
Renovated but disused corner entrance at Hengshan Garden Hotel, 2024.
Two towers and main building of Hengshan Garden Hotel (center). The building on the right is the original Hengshan Picardie Hotel on the corner. Photo taken in 2024 from the garden at the back of the hotel. Entrance is on the other side.
Pavilion and pond in the Hengshan Garden Hotel garden, 2024.
Pavilion in Hengshan Garden Hotel garden, 2024.
Hengshan Garden Hotel lobby, 2024. (Photo by Siqi.)