To Huangshan

Our shopping in Longquan finished, we left town after lunch to drive to Huangshan City. See below for 22 photos of bridges, tunnels, mountains and some amazing clouds on the way.

Leaving Longquan

Those fuzzy trees on the left? Bamboo.

Goodbye, town of celadon!

On to Huangshan

Interestingly, the highway took us briefly out of Zhejiang Province and into Jiangxi Province and back again before bringing us to Anhui Province.

All the roads on our trip were good highways. They were smooth and wide and pretty straight. And when we went through the mountains, we went *through* the mountains. As in, we went under them in tunnels, rather than twisting around them on roads with sharp curves and steep dropoffs. Here’s a rather impressionistic photo from one of the tunnels.

(Mom’s photo.)


I love it when there are clouds and the sunset turns them pink.