Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

My husband and I agreed that this movie was okay but not… spectacular. Which is ironic, because of course the whole thing is nothing but spectacle. It’s an amazing, long, fancy, expensive spectacle, and my reaction to it was more or less a shrug.

See below for why. Beware SPOILERS.

Continue reading Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Triple bonus points for the scene in which the gravity turns off! Titan A.E., a cartoon, is the only other sci-fi movie I’ve seen that has depicted the failure of artificial gravity.

The novel mix of sci-fi and comedy strained my willing suspension of disbelief, and I’m not sure I like the main character, Star Lord, but there was much to enjoy: the ensemble cast, the setting, the plot, and the expensive special effects.

A lot of the world-building that was showcased in the Blu-Ray special features could easily be overlooked in the movie itself, which felt fast-paced even though it clocked in at almost two hours.
