Movies watched in 2024

In 2024, I watched 50 movies (well, 46 movies, a miniseries, and three tv shows).

Part of the reason the number is so big is that I went on two international trips and watched 13 movies on planes. I try to watch foreign movies that I’d never even hear about, rather than Hollywood movies that I already know I want to see.

Siqi and I only watched 2 movies in theaters. China does screen Hollywood movies in English, but you kinda have to look out for them and plan to go when they’re available, and we didn’t pay that much attention.

We (re)watched 14 movies and shows on DVD. Sadly, most of my DVDs are currently in storage.

Luckily, Chinese streaming services are super cheap and have a ton of English-language Hollywood movies, and we have a big TV in our living room. So we watched 21 movies and shows online. (Still, like everyone who uses a streaming service, we had to go looking for things on multiple platforms because licensing.)

See below for the complete list, with comments and recommendations.

Continue reading Movies watched in 2024

Movies watched in 2023

In 2023, I watched 7 movies in a theater, 5 on DVDs I own, and 1 on a plane. The rest, my husband Siqi and I watched online using a streaming subscription or rental platform of some sort. Subscriptions and online rentals are cheap in China, and the China platforms have Hollywood stuff with the original English audio, but here as elsewhere, no single platform has everything.

See below for top recommendations and a complete categorized list of what I watched, with some brief notes.

(It’s 2025 now, so these are movies I watched 1-2 years ago. If I don’t remember them, that’s partly why. Or maybe they’re just not that memorable. Or both.)

Continue reading Movies watched in 2023

Movies watched in 2022

I watched a ton of movies in 2022!


Partly it’s that I was having fun buying DVDs from a junk dealer in Chinatown for SG$1 each and arranging them on the massive new shelf in my living room—and thus of course also wanted to watch them.

The living room that was. (The shelves and movies are in storage now. Sigh.)

Partly it’s that watching a movie every Saturday online with my boyfriend Siqi was an important part of our long-distance relationship. (In December, I moved to China, so now we can actually watch movies together on the same sofa!)

See below for top recommendations and notes on some of the other movies I watched.

It’s not a complete list because I don’t remember much about some of them. It’s actually 2025 now, so these are movies I watched 2-3 years ago. If I don’t remember them, that’s why. Or maybe they’re just not that memorable. Or both.

Continue reading Movies watched in 2022

Movies watched in 2021

Apparently I watched 88 movies in 2021. They’re listed in my movie log.

  • 39 were movies I was rewatching.
  • 34 were in a series.
  • 16 were animated.
  • 9 were book adaptations that I watched because I read the book.
  • 6 were starring Keanu Reeves.
  • 5 were starring Tom Cruise.
  • 2 were live-action with animated characters.
  • 2 were Chinese.
  • 2 were in theaters.
  • 1 was a musical.
  • 1 was a documentary.

Continue reading Movies watched in 2021

Movies Watched in 2020

I watched 65 movies in 2020. That sounds like a lot, even for a lockdown / quarantine / stay-at-home kind of year, even for someone with no kids.

On the other hand, I don’t watch television.

Let that sink in.

TV shows add up fast! Movies don’t require the same time commitment. They come in self-contained 90-minute or two-hour chunks. Movie marathons are less likely to occur than TV binge-watching because not every movie is part of a series, and movies don’t tend to end in cliffhangers.

See below for stats and favorites.

Continue reading Movies Watched in 2020