The confused US Postal worker who wrote “CHINA” on this envelope must have gotten Singapore confused with Hong Kong.
Technically, it’s better for people outside Singapore to write “Singapore” or “Rep. of Singapore” or “Republic of Singapore” on the last line to indicate that “Singapore” is the country as well as the city. After all, there are a few other places called “Singapore”.
Below are several complete address examples for postal mail to Singapore. All of them include a six-digit postal code. The last line can be omitted if you are in Singapore sending postal mail to someplace else in Singapore—or if you have faith in your country’s knowledge of global geography.
Example postal address formats for Singapore
The following postal address format would be used for a residence or business in Example Building for a unit on the seventh floor.
Mr. Example Name
123 Example Rd.
#07-11 Example Building
Singapore 123456
Republic of Singapore
The following postal address format would be used for a residence or business in a government-owned “Housing Development Board” building. These buildings are called “blocks” and are numbered. Most Singaporeans own and live in residential units in HDB blocks, though some are rented.
Mr. Example Name
Block 123 Example Ave. 4
#07-11 Example HDB
Singapore 123123
Republic of Singapore
I’ve written the road as “Example Ave. 4” because Singapore has a lot of roads with the same name that have numbers on the end.
In the screenshot below, I’ve underlined Clementi Avenue 2, Clementi Avenue 3, Clementi Avenue 4, Clementi Avenue 5, and Clementi Road.

I also underlined “Clementi Jade” on the map. That’s the name of a group of numbered HDB blocks.
You might also see the HDB unit number on the same line as the block and road; the HDB complex name is not required:
Mr. Example Name
Block 123 Example Rd. #07-11
Singapore 123123
Republic of Singapore
Condominium addresses are similar:
Mr. Example Name
Block 123 Example Rd.
#07-11 Example Condo Complex Name
Singapore 123123
Republic of Singapore
For condos, you can also omit “Block”, although many condos have multiple buildings which are also referred to as blocks. If the blocks use letters instead of numbers, it’s probably best to include the word “Block”.
Mr. Example Name
123 Example Rd. #07-11
Singapore 123123
Republic of Singapore
The following postal address format would be used for a residence or business that occupies the whole building.
Mr. Example Name
123 Example Rd.
Singapore 123456
Republic of Singapore
Residences with this kind of postal address are uncommon. Once, a Singaporean and I were discussing attending an event at someone’s home. She thought the address provided for the event was incomplete because there was no block or unit number, only a street address. Even people with this kind of address usually live in houses physically attached to another house on one or both sides.