I just recently bought ten books at an atrium sale, but that didn’t stop me from browsing the Junior Page atrium sale and buying these six.
- The King Arthur Trilogy by Rosemary Sutcliff
- How We Learn by Benedict Carey
- Screenwise by Devorah Heitner
- Head in the Cloud by William Poundstone
- Born Reading by Jason Boog
- Peak by Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool
The cashier asked me how long it was going to take me to read them, as if either I had a superpower or was biting off more than I could chew. I think most of the people shopping the sale were only buying one, two, or three books at a time. Tough to make back the rental fees at that rate, I would think.
And yet in Square 2, the shopping mall next door, there was ANOTHER atrium book sale running at the same time.