On New Year’s Eve, my boyfriend Siqi drove us up one of the tea mountains just outside of Hangzhou. We visited a lookout tower, marveled at patches of melting snow, and watched a magical sunset.
Having relocated from Singapore where it never gets cold, I have mixed feelings about winter, but I love living in a place surrounded by beautiful mountains!
See below for the best of the photos I took with my smartphone.
Photos from Lin Feng Mountain

When the sun disappeared at 5 p.m., it felt a lot later than it was. In Singapore, the sun sets between 7:00 and 7:30… all year. And rises between 7:00 and 7:30, too! I’ve been thinking about this tweet a lot lately.
In the darkness, we drove carefully back down the mountain. We went to a mall and ate dinner and visited a book store there.
Back home, we drank tall cans of Tsingtao beer to celebrate the start of a new year. 🙂