I do not need more books, but I love looking through the random collection of not-quite-current titles whenever I see an atrium sale. The serendipity of it is what appeals. I can’t not buy discounted books on topics I find interesting!
I bought:
- How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
- The Eighty-Minute MBA by Richard Reeves and John Knell
- Simplicity by Edward de Bono
- Neurotribes by Steve Silberman
- A Field Guide to Lies and Statistics by Daniel Levitin
- Happiness by Design by Paul Dolan
- Malaysa Singapore: Fifty Years of Contentions 1965 – 2015 by Kadir Mohamad
- Passage of Time: Singapore Bookstore Stories 1881 – 2016 by Chou Sing Chu Foundation
- 101 Books to Read Before You Grow Up by Bianca Schulze
- The Movie Book by DK