Why was I at this food festival? Not to eat, ironically!
I’ve been eating too much, completely without realizing it, because I didn’t bring a scale with me to China. After I finally got one, and finally got batteries for it, and finally put the batteries in, it gave me bad news. (Even without converting the kilogram readout to pounds, I knew it was bad news.)
So it was decided I need to walk more. Fine. During the weekend, rather than drive to visit the nearest mall, Siqi and I walked. It was really hot, and also kinda rainy, but we walked there anyway. (We both carried umbrellas, to ensure that it would not start raining harder.) And lo and behold, when we got there, there was this festival. Wait till you see one of the carnival games they had there!
Try your luck!
Okay so you know how carnivals have all sorts of throwing games designed to be practically impossible to win?

Right, so far, very predictable! But what if the thing you’re trying to encircle were alive?
In another game at the festival, you could win a goose. (Theoretically.)

Eat, drink, and be merry!
Meanwhile, at the food and drink stalls, when you pay, you actually get something. 100% guaranteed! (Thank goodness!)

We did not queue for cake.
We just walked around the whole mall, which we’d never explored, and bought some snacks at the supermarket before walking back home. I wasn’t carrying anything except an umbrella, but still, I thought I’d never make it back up the stairs! That was some good exercise, for a bookworm like me!