Book Log

I read a lot. I've been keeping a book log since the beginning of 1999. I've read 2210 books since then (about 81 books per year).

Below is the complete list. See list for this year.

Currently Reading

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
by Mark Twain Time to read some Mark Twain.
The Consciousness Instinct
by Michael S. Gazzaniga Another brain book.

Finished Reading

Title and Author (Series)Finished
The Prince and the Pauper
by Mark Twain
22 Mar 25
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
by Mark Twain
20 Mar 25
Gulliver's Travels
by Jonathan Swift
17 Mar 25
Mind Matters
by Michael S. Gazzaniga
13 Mar 25
She: A History of Adventure
by H. Rider Haggard
08 Mar 25
King Solomon's Mines
by H. Rider Haggard
27 Feb 25
The Lost World
by Arthur Conan Doyle
22 Feb 25
by Steve Silberman
22 Feb 25
Journey to the Center of the Earth
by Jules Verne, translated by Frederick Amadeus Malleson
16 Feb 25
Innate: How the Wiring of Our Brains Shapes Who We Are
by Kevin J. Mitchell
07 Feb 25
Entwined Lives
by Nancy L. Segal
04 Feb 25
Aspects of the Novel
by E.M. Forster
26 Jan 25
by E.M. Forster
17 Jan 25
A Passage to India
by E.M. Forster
13 Jan 25
Howard's End
by E.M. Forster
01 Jan 25
A Room with a View
by E.M. Forster
29 Dec 24
Nymphenburg: Palace, Park and Pavilions
by Bayerische Schlosserverwaltung
26 Dec 24
Eagle's Nest: Obersalzberg in a Historical View
by NA
20 Dec 24
Guide to Munich
by NA
20 Dec 24
Reader, Come Home
by Maryanne Wolf
20 Dec 24
The Longest Journey
by E.M. Forster
19 Dec 24
Little Lord Fauntleroy
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
13 Dec 24
A Short History of Chinese Philosophy
by Fung Yu-Lan edited by Derk Bodde
12 Dec 24
Where Angels Fear to Tread
by E.M. Forster
09 Dec 24
A Christmas Carol
by Charles Dickens
05 Dec 24
Science Writing for Non-native Speakers of English
by Hilary Glasman-Deal
25 Nov 24
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
by George Lakoff
09 Nov 24
The Complete Sherlock Holmes
by Arthur Conan Doyle
26 Oct 24
The Secret Garden
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
05 Oct 24
A Little Princess
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
01 Oct 24
Catriona (David Balfour 2)
by Robert Louis Stevenson
29 Sep 24
Scientific Writing for Chinese Researchers
by Olen Rambow
27 Sep 24
Kidnapped (David Balfour 1)
by Robert Louis Stevenson
25 Sep 24
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
by Robert Louis Stevenson
20 Sep 24
Black Beauty
by Anna Sewell
19 Sep 24
Democracy in America: Part 2
by Alexis de Tocqueville, translated by Henry Reeve
16 Sep 24
Democracy in America: Part 1
by Alexis de Tocqueville, translated by Henry Reeve
27 Aug 24
The Red and the Black
by Stendhal
14 Jul 24
by #ERROR#
06 Jul 24
Suzhou Museum
by Suzhou Museum
10 Jun 24
by #ERROR#
09 Jun 24
by #ERROR#
24 May 24
Never Grow Up
by Jackie Chan, with Zhu Mo translated by Jeremy Tiang
20 May 24
What's Our Problem?
by Tim Urban
18 May 24
Robinson Crusoe (and The Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe)
by Daniel Defoe
11 May 24
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
by Thomas S. Kuhn
01 May 24
Swiss Family Robinson
by Johann David Wyss
20 Apr 24
Childhood's End
by Arthur C. Clarke
31 Mar 24
Poster Girl
by Veronica Roth
30 Mar 24
Passionate Persistence
by Eve Sprunt
29 Mar 24
Knowing What We Know: The Transmission of Knowledge: From Ancient Wisdom to Modern Magic
by Simon Winchester
20 Mar 24
The Shepherd's Crown (Tiffany Aching 5)
by Terry Pratchett
14 Feb 24
I Shall Wear Midnight (Tiffany Aching 4)
by Terry Pratchett
13 Feb 24
Wintersmith (Tiffany Aching 3)
by Terry Pratchett
11 Feb 24
A Hat Full of Sky (Tiffany Aching 2)
by Terry Pratchett
10 Feb 24
The Wee Free Men (Tiffany Aching 1)
by Terry Pratchett
08 Feb 24
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (Discworld 28)
by Terry Pratchett
07 Feb 24
The Chicago Guide to Communicating Science
by Scott L. Montgomery
05 Feb 24
by Johanna Spyri
17 Jan 24
Rationality: What It Is, Why It Seems Scarce, Why It Matters
by Steven Pinker
10 Jan 24
Brain, Belief, and Politics
by Michael Shermer, Joe Carter, Eliezer Yudkowsky, Ronald Bailey, Jason Kuznicki
29 Dec 23
Inadequate Equilibria: Where and How Civilizations Get Stuck
by Eliezer Yudkowsky
27 Dec 23
The Associated Press Guide to News Writing (4th Edition)
by Rene J. Cappon
26 Dec 23
Foundation; Foundation and Empire; Second Foundation
by Isaac Asimov
23 Dec 23
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition
by Neil Gaiman
12 Dec 23
Stranger in a Strange Land
by Robert Heinlein
05 Dec 23
F for Effort: More of the Very Best Totally Wrong Test Answers
by Richard Benson
02 Dec 23
The Crowd
by Gustave Le Bon, translated by T. Fisher Unwin Ltd.
27 Nov 23
Yes to Life in Spite of Everything
by Viktor E. Frankl
22 Nov 23
Go Put Your Strengths to Work
by Marcus Buckingham
17 Nov 23
by Marcus Buckingham
28 Oct 23
Jeeves Stories
by P.G. Wodehouse
24 Oct 23
The One Thing You Need to Know
by Marcus Buckingham
21 Oct 23
Against the Gods
by Peter L. Bernstein
07 Oct 23
Rationality: From AI to Zombies
by Eliezer Yudkowsky
07 Oct 23
What Color Is Your Parachute (2022)
by Richard N. Bolles with Katharine Brooks
28 Sep 23
The Little Mermaid Film Script
by Editors of Canterbury Classics
03 Sep 23
The Lion King Film Script
by Editors of Canterbury Classics
02 Sep 23
Syntax of Scientific English
by Lee Kok Cheong
27 Aug 23
Journey to the West (Journey to the West 4)
by Wu Cheng'en, translated by WJF Jenner
30 Jul 23
The Brain Makers: The History of Artificial Intelligence
by HP Newquist
28 Jul 23
Handbook for Science Public Information Officers
by W. Matthew Shipman
28 Jul 23
Journey to the West (Journey to the West 3)
by Wu Cheng'en, translated by WJF Jenner
12 Jun 23
Journey to the West (Journey to the West 2)
by Wu Cheng'en, translated by WJF Jenner
13 May 23
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Minalima version) (Harry Potter 1)
by J.K. Rowling
16 Apr 23
Monkey King: Journey to the West
by Wu Cheng'en, retold by Julia Lovell
12 Apr 23
Journey to the West (Journey to the West 1)
by Wu Cheng'en, translated by WJF Jenner
12 Mar 23
Critical Thinking Skills
by Stella Cottrell
16 Dec 22
The Wilful Princess and the Piebald Prince
by Robin Hobb
13 Dec 22
Structuring Your Novel
by K.M. Weiland
17 Nov 22
The Cloud Dream of the Nine
by Kim Man-Choong, translated by James Gale
07 Nov 22
Outlining Your Novel
by K.M. Weiland
01 Nov 22
How to Write a Novel Using the Snowflake Method
by Randy Ingermanson
30 Oct 22
by #ERROR#
29 Oct 22
The Nine Cloud Dream
by Kim Man-jung, translated by Heinz Insu Fenkl
28 Oct 22
Age of Innocence
by Edith Wharton
21 Oct 22
Translating Great Russian Literature: The Penguin Russian Classics
by Cathy McAteer
11 Oct 22
by #ERROR#
10 Oct 22
by Sheridan Le Fanu
05 Oct 22
White Fang
by Jack London
02 Oct 22
The Call of the Wild
by Jack London
25 Sep 22
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking
by Dale Carnegie
05 Sep 22
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
by Dale Carnegie
17 Aug 22
How to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale Carnegie
12 Aug 22
Maps of Meaning
by Jordan B. Peterson
09 Aug 22
China Scenes
by China Pictorial
20 Jul 22
The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 3 (The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 3)
by Linda Sunshine
27 May 22
The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 2 (The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 2)
by Linda Sunshine
23 May 22
The Art of How to Train Your Dragon (The Art of How to Train Your Dragon 1)
by Tracey Miller-Zameke
21 May 22
One Couple Two Cultures
by Dan Waters
21 May 22
Return of the Dragon Slayers (Dragonwatch 5)
by Brandon Mull
02 May 22
Champion of the Titan Games (Dragonwatch 4)
by Brandon Mull
28 Apr 22
Master of the Phantom Isle (Dragonwatch 3)
by Brandon Mull
24 Apr 22
Wrath of the Dragon King (Dragonwatch 2)
by Brandon Mull
20 Apr 22
Dragonwatch (Dragonwatch 1)
by Brandon Mull
19 Apr 22
The Objectivist Newsletter Volumes 1-4 (1962-1965)
by Second Renaissance
15 Apr 22
by Voltaire
08 Apr 22
Sense and Sensibility
by Jane Austen
27 Mar 22
Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austen
22 Mar 22
The Undercover Economist Strikes Back
by Tim Harford
18 Mar 22
Mansfield Park
by Jane Austen
17 Mar 22
by Jane Austen
06 Mar 22
Northanger Abbey
by Jane Austen
28 Feb 22
by Jane Austen
22 Feb 22
Feng Shui Modern
by Cliff Tan
15 Feb 22
On the Move: A Life
by Oliver Sacks
14 Feb 22
Uncle Tungsten
by Oliver Sacks
08 Feb 22
How to Study a Novel
by John Peck
31 Jan 22
Never Split the Difference
by Chris Voss with Tahl Raz
23 Jan 22
Beyond Order
by Jordan B. Peterson
17 Jan 22
Freedom Regained
by Julian Baggini
09 Jan 22
Atlas Shrugged
by Ayn Rand
01 Jan 22
Beautiful Country & Middle Kingdom
by John Pomfret
21 Dec 21
Between You and Me
by Mary Norris
19 Dec 21
English in Singapore: An Introduction
by Low Ee Ling, Adam Brown
09 Dec 21
Singapore on the Couch
by Ong Yong Lock
30 Nov 21
Better than Before
by Gretchen Rubin
21 Nov 21
How to Write and Give a Speech
by Joan Detz
17 Nov 21
Rule Makers, Rule Breakers
by Michele J. Gelfand
11 Nov 21
Treasure Island
by Robert Louis Stevenson
08 Nov 21
Les Miserables (Vol 2)
by Victor Hugo (translated by Charles E. Wilbour)
04 Nov 21
Success with Asian Names
by Fiona Swee-Lin Price
01 Nov 21
Les Miserables (Vol 1)
by Victor Hugo (translated by Charles E. Wilbour)
19 Oct 21
Empires of the Word
by Nicholas Ostler
02 Oct 21
Diary of an Expat in Singapore
by Jennifer Gargiulo
28 Sep 21
Layli and Majnun
by Nezami Ganjavi, translated by Dick Davis
27 Sep 21
Because Internet
by Gretchen McCulloch
09 Sep 21
1000 Character Classic
by Evelyn Lip
08 Sep 21
by Felix Salten, translated by Hannah Correll
29 Aug 21
Oliver Twist
by Charles Dickens
27 Aug 21
Demystifying The Female Brain
by Sara McKay
12 Aug 21
The Art of the Good Life
by Rolf Dobelli
04 Aug 21
Stop Reading the News
by Rolf Dobelli
01 Aug 21
by author Hans Rosling
30 Jul 21
Air-Conditioned Nation Revisited
by Cherian George
26 Jul 21
by Arthur Schulman (Compiler), Jill Lepore (Introduction)
23 Jul 21
Singapore: The Air-Conditioned Nation
by Cherian George
15 Jul 21
Little House on the Prairie
by Laura Ingalls Wilder
08 Jul 21
Is That a Fish in Your Ear?
by David Bellos
07 Jul 21
by Xie Shi Min
22 Jun 21
How to Write Short
by Roy Peter Clark
21 Jun 21
Never the Twain
by Abdoel Moeis
19 Jun 21
by C.S. Godshalk
12 Jun 21
An Ocean of Minutes
by Thea Lim
29 May 21
Suicide Club
by Rachel Heng
27 May 21
The Leeter Tunku
by Antoine de Saint Exupery, trans. by Gwee Li Sui
26 May 21
The Little Prince
by Antoine de Saint Exupery (Cuffe translation)
26 May 21
The Origins of Virtue
by Matt Ridley
24 May 21
Liberalism Unveiled
by Bryan Cheang and Donovan Choy
22 May 21
Singapore Teachers
by Yanping Fang
10 May 21
Wuthering Heights
by Emily Bronte
05 May 21
The Plague
by Albert Camus / Robin Buss
26 Apr 21
The Autobiography of Munshi Abdullah
by Abdullah bin Abdul Kadir
26 Mar 21
The Beauty of Everyday Things
by Soetsu Yanagi
15 Mar 21
Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking
by Daniel Dennett
15 Mar 21
To Kill a Mockingbird
by Harper Lee
08 Mar 21
The Teenage Workbook
by Adrian Tan
26 Feb 21
The Teenage Textbook
by Adrian Tan
26 Feb 21
The Truth About Language
by Michael C. Corballis
25 Feb 21
The Tale of Genji
by Murasaki Shikibu / Edward G. Seidensticker
22 Feb 21
I Am A Filipino Maid
by Loo Bee Geok
19 Feb 21
The Tale of Genji
by Murasaki Shikibu / Royall Tyler
08 Feb 21
Secrets of Singapore
by Lesley-Anne and Monica Lim
20 Jan 21
Bad English
by Ammon Shea
04 Jan 21
The Sense of Style
by Steven Pinker
01 Dec 20
Singapore Siu Dai 2
by Felix Cheong, illustrated by Pman
23 Nov 20
The Golden Chersonese
by Isabella Bird
23 Nov 20
The Complete Eh, Goondu!
by Sylvia Toh Paik Choo
19 Nov 20
Singapore Siu Dai
by Felix Cheong, illustrated by Pman
17 Nov 20
Mao's Last Dancer
by Li Cunxin
09 Nov 20
When to Rob a Bank
by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
08 Nov 20
Slumdog Millionaire
by Vikas Swarup
02 Nov 20
For the People [manuscript]
by Adeetee Bhide
31 Oct 20
Anne of Green Gables
by Lucy Maud Montgomery
29 Oct 20
Passionate Persistence [manuscript]
by Eve Sprunt
26 Oct 20
Singapore at Random
by Editions Didier Millet
26 Oct 20
Olivia & Sophia
by Rosie Milne
23 Oct 20
Meet Me on the Queen Elizabeth 2
by Catherine Lim
11 Oct 20
Spiaking Singlish
by Gwee Li Sui
10 Oct 20
Watership Down
by Richard Adams
08 Oct 20
And Lately, The Sun (Advance Review Copy)
by Calyx Create Group
30 Sep 20
The Death Cure (The Maze Runner 3)
by James Dashner
25 Sep 20
The Scorch Trials (The Maze Runner 2)
by James Dashner
24 Sep 20
The Maze Runner (The Maze Runner 1)
by James Dashner
22 Sep 20
The Red Queen
by Matt Ridley
20 Sep 20
Unlearning Singlish
by Andrew Melcher
17 Sep 20
The Last Olympian (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 5)
by Rick Riordan
10 Sep 20
The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 4)
by Rick Riordan
08 Sep 20
The Titan's Curse (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 3)
by Rick Riordan
07 Sep 20
The Sea of Monsters (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 2)
by Rick Riordan
05 Sep 20
Sounds and Sins of Singlish and Other Nonsense
by Rex Shelley
04 Sep 20
The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 1)
by Rick Riordan
03 Sep 20
English in New Cultural Contexts
by Marshall Cavendish
02 Sep 20
Nature via Nurture
by Matt Ridley
04 Aug 20
Book of Humour
by Rewa Mirpuri
02 Aug 20
Fridays with Philip
by Philip Lee
22 Jul 20
by China Mieville
20 Jul 20
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
by T. Harv Eker
18 Jul 20
Singapore English
by David Deterding
17 Jul 20
by Oliver Sacks
09 Jul 20
Book Uncle and Me
by Uma Krishnaswami
09 Jul 20
A Bird's Eye View of Singapore
by Macaw
09 Jul 20
The English Language in Singapore
by William Crewe (editor)
09 Jul 20
Emily of Emerald Hill
by Stella Kon
02 Jul 20
Straight and Crooked Thinking
by Robert H. Thouless
28 Jun 20
The Flogging of Singapore
by Asad Latif
07 Jun 20
From Singlish to English
by Christian Chua
05 Jun 20
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
by Ayn Rand, edited by Harry Binswanger and Leonard Peikoff
04 Jun 20
Singlish to English: Basic Grammar Guide
by VJ Times
03 Jun 20
The Caning of Michael Fay
by Gopal Baratham
22 May 20
Don Quixote
by Cervantes (translated by P.A. Motteux)
18 May 20
Crime and Punishment
by Fyodor Dostoevsky, translated by Constance Garnett
05 Apr 20
30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary
by Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis
29 Mar 20
by Tara Westover
23 Mar 20
The Many Worlds of Albie Bright
by Christopher Edge
22 Mar 20
Asian Proverbs
by FormAsia
21 Mar 20
Preliminaries to Linguistic Phonetics
by Peter Ladefoged
21 Mar 20
The Heartsick Diaspora
by Elaine Chiew
08 Mar 20
The Place of Grammar in Writing Instruction
by edited by Susan Hunger and Ray Wallace
04 Mar 20
Reading Lolita in Tehran
by Azar Nafisi
21 Feb 20
You Beneath Your Skin
by Damyanti Biswas
13 Feb 20
by Andrew Clements
27 Jan 20
How to Train Your Dragon (How to Train Your Dragon 1)
by Cressida Cowell
27 Jan 20
Nimita's Place
by Akshita Nanda
26 Jan 20
Anna Karenina
by Leo Tolstoy (intro by E.B. Greenwood, translated by Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude)
16 Jan 20
by Sara Pennypacker (illustrated by Jon Klassen)
07 Dec 19
Our Homes, Our Stories
by edited by Karien Van Ditzhuijzen
04 Dec 19
The Tipping Point
by Malcolm Gladwell
01 Dec 19
Wolf Totem
by Jiang Rong, translated by Howard Goldblatt
26 Nov 19
The Martian
by Andy Weir
01 Nov 19
by Andy Weir
29 Oct 19
The Burning Bridge (Ranger's Apprentice 2)
by John Flanagan
27 Oct 19
The Ruins of Gorlan (Ranger's Apprentice 1)
by John Flanagan
24 Oct 19
The Turn of the Screw
by Henry James
16 Oct 19
Twelve Rules for Life
by Jordan B. Peterson
13 Oct 19
by Eliot Schrefer
01 Oct 19
The Virtue of Selfishness
by Ayn Rand
29 Sep 19
50 Self-Help Classics
by Tom Butler-Bowdon
22 Sep 19
TED Talks
by Chris Anderson
12 Sep 19
11,002 Things to Be Miserable About
by Lia Romeo and Nick Romeo
12 Sep 19
Time Travel: A History
by James Gleick
22 Aug 19
The Song of Kieu
by Nguyen Du, translated by Timothy Allen
13 Aug 19
by Kelly and Zach Weinersmith
10 Aug 19
The Slap
by Christos Tsiolkas
07 Aug 19
War Horse
by Michael Morpurgo
31 Jul 19
Nine Cuts
by Audrey Chin
30 Jul 19
The Hazel Wood
by Melissa Albert
29 Jul 19
by Yuval Noah Harari
29 Jul 19
In Pursuit of Wealth
by edited by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins
20 Jul 19
Fahrenheit 451
by Ray Bradbury
10 Jul 19
The Nine Cloud Dream
by Kim Man-Jung, translated by Heinz Insu Fenkl
09 Jul 19
The Free Market Revolution
by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins
04 Jul 19
The Art of Thinking Clearly
by Rolf Dobelli
24 Jun 19
Wintersong (Wintersong 1)
by S. Jae-Jones
17 Jun 19
Mulla Nasreddin Folktales
by Oral Tradition
13 Jun 19
If We Dream Too Long
by Goh Poh Seng
12 Jun 19
Beyond the Fields
by Aysha Baqir
07 Jun 19
by James Joyce
05 Jun 19
Four (Divergent 4)
by Veronica Roth
30 May 19
Allegiant (Divergent 3)
by Veronica Roth
28 May 19
Insurgent (Divergent 2)
by Veronica Roth
24 May 19
Divergent (Divergent 1)
by Veronica Roth
21 May 19
The Pilgrim's Progress
by John Bunyan
20 May 19
The Gospel of Loki
by Joanne M. Harris
16 May 19
We Rose Up Slowly
by Jon Gresham
06 May 19
by Eva Wong Nava
05 May 19
Launch Pad
by Shelly Bryant
05 May 19
A Disobedient Girl
by Ru Freeman
04 May 19
Little Women
by Louisa May Alcott
03 May 19
by Scott Westerfeld
28 Apr 19
The Flower Girls
by Alice Clark-Platts
21 Apr 19
The Prestige
by Christopher Priest
17 Apr 19
The Black Tides of Heaven (Tensorate Series 1)
by JY Yang
14 Apr 19
The Red Threads of Fortune (Tensorate Series 2)
by J.Y. Yang
13 Apr 19
Chasing the Light
by Jesse Blackadder
10 Apr 19
The Stranger
by Albert Camus, translated by Matthew Ward
05 Apr 19
The Autobiography of an Unknown Indian
by Nirad C. Chaudhuri
05 Apr 19
Looking for Alaska
by John Green
04 Mar 19
Man's Search for Meaning
by Viktor E Frankl
01 Mar 19
The Fat Years
by Chan Koonchung
24 Feb 19
Quid Pro Quo
by Peter Jones
07 Feb 19
Supplemento al dizionario italiano
by Bruno Munari
21 Jan 19
The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas, translated by Robin Buss
21 Jan 19
We Love Serangoon Gardens (Our Neighbourhoods 9)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
07 Jan 19
We Love Geylang Serai (Our Neighbourhoods 8)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
07 Jan 19
We Love Chinatown (Our Neighbourhoods 7)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
07 Jan 19
Rashomon and Other Stories
by Ryunosuke Akutagawa (trans Kojima Takashi)
02 Jan 19
Personal Names in Asia
by Zheng Yangwen and Charles J-H MacDonald, editors
30 Dec 18
by Rosie Milne
23 Dec 18
English as a Lingua Franca in ASEAN
by Andy Kirkpatrick
19 Dec 18
We Love Little India (Our Neighbourhoods 6)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
08 Dec 18
We Love Katong (Our Neighbourhoods 5)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
08 Dec 18
We Love Queenstown (Our Neighbourhoods 4)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
08 Dec 18
Sofia and the Utopia Machine
by Judith Huang
08 Dec 18
The Darkest Minds (Darkest Minds 1)
by Alexandra Bracken
03 Dec 18
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium 1)
by Stieg Larsson, translated by Reg Keelan
30 Nov 18
Who Gets What and Why
by Alvin E. Roth
25 Nov 18
Station Eleven
by Emily St. John Mandel
17 Nov 18
The Diamond of Darkhold (Books of Ember 4)
by Jeanne DuPrau
13 Nov 18
The Prophet of Yonwood (Books of Ember 3)
by Jeanne DuPrau
10 Nov 18
The People of Sparks (Books of Ember 2)
by Jeanne DuPrau
06 Nov 18
The City of Ember (Books of Ember 1)
by Jeanne DuPrau
05 Nov 18
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain
04 Nov 18
The House of the Mosque
by Kader Abdolah, translated by susan Massotty
02 Nov 18
The Home and the World
by Rabindranath Tagore, translated by Surendranath Tagore
31 Oct 18
The Ship
by Antonia Honeywell
26 Oct 18
Wish You Were Here
by Nick Webb
21 Oct 18
Mostly Harmless (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy 5)
by Douglas Adams
16 Oct 18
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy 4)
by Douglas Adams
15 Oct 18
Life, the Universe and Everything (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy 3)
by Douglas Adams
15 Oct 18
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy 2)
by Douglas Adams
14 Oct 18
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy 1)
by Douglas Adams
13 Oct 18
Making Sense of Singapore English
by Adam Brown
12 Oct 18
The Trailing Spouse
by Jo Furniss
10 Oct 18
Hanna's Daughters
by Marianne Fredriksson
09 Oct 18
Alien Asian: A Singaporean in America
by Simon Tay
07 Oct 18
The Missing Barbegazi
by H.S. Norup
05 Oct 18
Ready Player One
by Ernest Cline
01 Oct 18
Slaughterhouse Five
by Kurt Vonnegut
29 Sep 18
The Annotated Malay Archipelago
by Alfred Russel Wallace, edited by John van Wyhe
26 Sep 18
Threelogy Lah Box Set
by Casey Chen
07 Sep 18
by #ERROR#
30 Aug 18
by Stanislaw Lem, translated by Bill Johnston
29 Aug 18
A Yellow House
by Karien Van Ditzhuijzen
27 Aug 18
Crazy Rich Asians
by Kevin Kwan
23 Aug 18
For Whom the Bell Tolls
by Ernest Hemingway
21 Aug 18
Magician: Master (Riftwar Saga 1)
by Raymond E. Feist
11 Aug 18
Magician: Apprentice (Riftwar Saga 0)
by Raymond E. Feist
27 Jul 18
The Art of Social Media
by Guy Kawasaki
21 Jul 18
by Jared Diamond
21 Jul 18
TED Talks
by Chris Anderson
15 Jul 18
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
by James Joyce
03 Jul 18
Exit West
by Moshin Hamid
27 Jun 18
by George Orwell
25 Jun 18
We Love Bedok (Our Neighbourhoods 3)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
21 Jun 18
Lu Xun and Evolution
by James Reeve Pusey
18 Jun 18
We Love Tiong Bahru (Our Neighbourhoods 2)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
12 Jun 18
Burmese Days
by George Orwell
08 Jun 18
Many Waters (Time 4)
by Madeleine L'Engle
03 Jun 18
A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Time 3)
by Madeleine L'Engle
30 May 18
A Wind in the Door (Time 2)
by Madeleine L'Engle
29 May 18
A Wrinkle in Time (Time 1)
by Madeleine L'Engle
29 May 18
The Good Earth (The House of Earth 1)
by Pearl S. Buck
27 May 18
How We Learn
by Benedict Carey
23 May 18
Time Jumpers (Five Kingdoms 5)
by Brandon Mull
18 May 18
Death Weavers (Five Kingdoms 4)
by Brandon Mull
15 May 18
A Room with a View
by E.M. Forster
12 May 18
Crystal Keepers (Five Kingdoms 3)
by Brandon Mull
07 May 18
Rogue Knight (Five Kingdoms 2)
by Brandon Mull
02 May 18
Sky Raiders (Five Kingdoms 1)
by Brandon Mull
25 Apr 18
The Fugitive
by Pramoedya Ananta Toer, translated by Willem Samuels
23 Apr 18
The Movie Book
by DK
17 Apr 18
[A fellow SWG YA writer's project]
by [Fellow SWG YA Writer]
03 Apr 18
Not out of Hate
by Ma Ma Lay
30 Mar 18
A Wrinkle in Time (Time 1)
by Madeleine L'Engle
15 Mar 18
by Toni Morrison
12 Mar 18
The Third Eye (Tara Trilogy 1)
by Mahtab Narsimhan
07 Mar 18
Mortal Engines (Mortal Engines / Predator Cities / Hungry Cities Chronicles 1)
by Philip Reeve
04 Mar 18
Four Reigns
by Kukrit Pramoj, translated by Tulachandra
02 Mar 18
Brave New World
by Aldous Huxley
18 Feb 18
Photographically Speaking
by David duChemin
07 Feb 18
Mots D'Heures: Gousses, Rames
by Luis D'Antin Van Rooten
27 Jan 18
King Rat (Asian Saga 1)
by James Clavell
26 Jan 18
Dream of the Red Chamber
by Christine Sun, illustrated by Shirley Chiang
14 Jan 18
The Dreamer Wakes (The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber 5)
by Cao Xueqin, edited by Gao E, translated by John Minford
14 Jan 18
The Debt of Tears (The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber 4)
by Cao Xueqin, edited by Gao E, translated by John Minford
02 Jan 18
All the Little Children
by Jo Furniss
26 Dec 17
The Warning Voice (The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber 3)
by Cao Xueqin, translated by David Hawkes
25 Dec 17
The Crab-Flower Club (The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber 2)
by Cao Xueqin, translated by David Hawkes
13 Dec 17
Noli Me Tangere
by José Rizal, translated by Charles Derbyshire
09 Dec 17
The Golden Days (The Story of the Stone, or The Dream of the Red Chamber 1)
by by Cao Xueqin, translated by David Hawkes
26 Nov 17
The Left Hand of Darkness
by Ursula K. Le Guin
26 Oct 17
I Am a Cat
by Soseki Natsume
24 Oct 17
The Stepford Wives
by Ira Levin
25 Sep 17
by William Buck
24 Sep 17
by E. O. Wilson
12 Sep 17
English Is Not Easy
by Luci Gutierrez
30 Aug 17
Jude the Obscure
by Thomas Hardy
29 Aug 17
The Pagemaster
by Jordan Horowitz
26 Aug 17
The Leopard
by Giuseppe Di Lampedusa
20 Aug 17
The Importance of Living
by Lin Yutang
14 Aug 17
The Complete Plain Words (2nd edition)
by Ernest Gowers
29 Jul 17
The Art of War
by Sun Tzu / Lionel Giles / James Clavell
14 Jul 17
The Bar Code Prophecy (The Bar Code 3)
by Suzanne Weyn
11 Jul 17
The Bar Code Rebellion (The Bar Code 2)
by Suzanne Weyn
10 Jul 17
The Bar Code Tattoo (The Bar Code 1)
by Suzanne Weyn
09 Jul 17
The Ghost Who Bled
by Gregory Norminton
03 Jul 17
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20
by Tina Seelig
30 Jun 17
Reading Magic
by Mem Fox
29 Jun 17
by Matt Ridley
29 Jun 17
I Am China
by Xiaolu Guo
23 Jun 17
by Alex Haley
16 Jun 17
How the Mind Works
by Steven Pinker
07 Jun 17
I'll Tell You Mine
by Pip Harry
29 May 17
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte
15 May 17
How to Lie with Maps
by Mark Monmonier
06 May 17
How to Lie with Statistics
by Darrell Huff
30 Apr 17
Graphic Discovery
by Howard Wainer
29 Apr 17
by Oliver Sacks
24 Apr 17
The Back of the Napkin
by Dan Roam
20 Apr 17
by Michael Crichton
12 Apr 17
by Michael Crichton
10 Apr 17
Visual Explanations
by Edward R. Tufte
08 Apr 17
China in Ten Words
by Yu Hua
30 Mar 17
We Love Toa Payoh (Our Neighbourhoods 1)
by Urban Sketchers Singapore
25 Mar 17
Dreaming in Chinese
by Deborah Fallows
25 Mar 17
[A fellow SWG YA writer's project]
by [Fellow SWG YA Writer]
24 Mar 17
The Catcher in the Rye
by J.D. Salinger
20 Mar 17
Writing the Breakout Novel
by Donald Maass
19 Mar 17
The Weekend Novelist Rewrites the Novel
by Robert J. Ray
13 Mar 17
Saint Anything
by Sarah Dessen
06 Mar 17
Save the Cat
by Blake Snyder
04 Mar 17
Style: Toward Clarity and Grace
by Joseph M. Williams
26 Feb 17
Everybody Writes
by Ann Handley
23 Feb 17
by #ERROR#
13 Feb 17
Dangerous Liaisons
by Choderlos de Laclos
06 Feb 17
by George Eliot
28 Jan 17
Royal Magic
by Ruth Chew
22 Jan 17
Wrong Way Around Magic
by Ruth Chew
22 Jan 17
The Three-Body Problem
by Cixin Liu (trans. Ken Liu)
07 Jan 17
Peter Pan
by J. M. Barrie
01 Jan 17
125 Ways to Make Money with Your Typewriter
by David Seltz
31 Dec 16
Things That Suck
by Jason Kaplan
30 Dec 16
Six Frames
by Edward de Bono
28 Dec 16
Born Liars
by Ian Leslie
27 Dec 16
Chinese Whispers
by Ben Chu
23 Dec 16
No One Understands You and What to Do about It
by Heidi Grant Halvorson
20 Dec 16
by Sarah Dessen
16 Dec 16
First, Break All the Rules
by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman
15 Dec 16
The Taken
by Alice Clark-Platts
09 Dec 16
An Introduction to Fiction
by X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia
07 Dec 16
What You Need to Know about British and American English
by George Davidson
05 Dec 16
The Annotated Emma
by Jane Austen (David M. Shapard)
27 Nov 16
Strengthsfinder 2.0
by Tom Rath
07 Nov 16
Jokes and the Linguistic Mind
by Debra Aarons
31 Oct 16
Thing Explainer
by Randall Munroe
31 Oct 16
The Little Book of Plagiarism
by Richard A. Posner
21 Oct 16
Language and Human Nature
by Mark Halpern
20 Oct 16
Do Animals Think?
by Clive D. L. Wynne
08 Oct 16
The Articulate Mammal
by Jean Aitchison
03 Oct 16
V for Vendetta
by Alan Moore
25 Sep 16
The Language Instinct
by Steven Pinker
23 Sep 16
The House of the Spirits
by Isabel Allende
23 Sep 16
by Cass Sunstein
09 Sep 16
[A fellow SWG YA writer's project]
by [Fellow SWG YA Writer]
31 Aug 16
Their Eyes Were Watching God
by Zora Neale Hurston
24 Aug 16
Brilliant Project Management
by Stephen Barker and Rob Cole
18 Aug 16
The Romance of Scholars' Stones
by Kemin Hu
13 Aug 16
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
30 Jul 16
Do's and Taboos of Using English around the World
by Roger E. Axtell
17 Jul 16
Writing for Children and Teenagers
by Lee Wyndham (revised by Arnold Madison)
13 Jul 16
by Mardy Grothe
07 Jul 16
The Chocolate Touch
by Patrick Skene Catling
03 Jul 16
T'ung Shu: The Ancient Chinese Almanac
by edited by Martin Palmer
30 Jun 16
Cloud Atlas
by David Mitchell
29 Jun 16
Four (Divergent 4)
by Veronica Roth
21 Jun 16
Ten Little Indians (And Then There Were None)
by Agatha Christie
19 Jun 16
Wives and Daughters
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
16 Jun 16
Changing for Good
by James O. Prochaska, John C. Norcross, and Carlo C. Diclemente
22 May 16
The Cult of the Amateur
by Andrew Keen
16 May 16
The Origins of Chinese Characters
by Wang Hongyuan
11 May 16
A Complaint Free World
by Will Bowen
04 May 16
Allegiant (Divergent 3)
by Veronica Roth
02 May 16
Insurgent (Divergent 2)
by Veronica Roth
01 May 16
Divergent (Divergent 1)
by Veronica Roth
29 Apr 16
by Guy Delisle
26 Apr 16
by Guy Delisle
24 Apr 16
The Three Circles of English
by edited by Edwin Thumboo
23 Apr 16
The Bell Jar
by Sylvia Plath
18 Apr 16
The Upside of Irrationality
by Dan Ariely
30 Mar 16
Find Your Strongest Life
by Marcus Buckingham
22 Mar 16
Chinese for Dummies
by Dr. Wendy Abraham
22 Mar 16
It's All Too Much
by Peter Walsh
20 Mar 16
The Mayor of Casterbridge
by Thomas Hardy
16 Mar 16
Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?
by Peter Walsh
09 Mar 16
The Happy Prince and Other Tales
by Oscar Wilde
05 Mar 16
by Hermann Hesse
05 Mar 16
The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
05 Mar 16
Telling Lies
by Paul Ekman
29 Feb 16
Six Thinking Hats
by Edward de Bono
22 Feb 16
The Handmaid's Tale
by Margaret Atwood
16 Feb 16
by Jane Brox
13 Feb 16
Flowers for Algernon
by Daniel Keyes
29 Jan 16
A Suitable Boy
by Vikram Seth
24 Jan 16
The Picture of Dorian Gray
by Oscar Wilde
26 Dec 15
Around the World in 80 Days
by Jules Verne
23 Dec 15
Rowan and the Ice Creepers (Rowan of Rin 5)
by Emily Rodda
18 Dec 15
Rowan and the Zebak (Rowan of Rin 4)
by Emily Rodda
18 Dec 15
Rowan and the Keeper of the Crystal (Rowan of Rin 3)
by Emily Rodda
17 Dec 15
Rowan and the Travelers (Rowan of Rin 2)
by Emily Rodda
16 Dec 15
Rowan of Rin (Rowan of Rin 1)
by Emily Rodda
16 Dec 15
by Larry McMurtry
15 Dec 15
The Stars My Destination
by Alfred Bester
14 Dec 15
The Demolished Man
by Alfred Bester
09 Dec 15
Lord Jim
by Joseph Conrad
08 Dec 15
Delivering Happiness
by Tony Hsieh
29 Nov 15
Heart of Darkness
by Joseph Conrad
24 Nov 15
Dear Undercover Economist
by Tim Harford
23 Nov 15
We Are Smarter Than Me
by Barry Libert
21 Nov 15
The Art of War
by Sun Tzu
20 Nov 15
by Christopher Hitchens
20 Nov 15
In Search of the Castaways or The Children of Captain Grant
by Jules Verne
19 Nov 15
Line by Line
by Claire Kehrwald Cook
14 Nov 15
by Guy Delisle
04 Nov 15
Beowulf (Graphic Novel)
by Gareth Hinds
03 Nov 15
by Marjane Satrapi
03 Nov 15
City of Light, City of Dark
by Avi
03 Nov 15
The New Yorker Book of True Love Cartoons
by New Yorker
02 Nov 15
So Sue Me
by Sidney Harris
02 Nov 15
The White Tiger
by Aravind Adiga
02 Nov 15
An Easy Guide to Everyday Chinese
by Diane Wolff
01 Nov 15
The Outlaws of Sherwood
by Robin McKinley
30 Oct 15
The Adventures of Robin Hood
by Roger Lancelyn Green
20 Oct 15
The Phantom of the Opera
by Gaston Leroux
17 Oct 15
The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
by Howard Pyle
14 Oct 15
Robin Hood
by Henry Gilbert
01 Oct 15
Opening Pandora's Box
by Ferdie Addis
01 Oct 15
The Moon and More
by Sarah Dessen
23 Sep 15
Pigs Have Wings
by P.G. Wodehouse
22 Sep 15
Things That Are (Things Not Seen 3)
by Andrew Clements
21 Sep 15
Things Hoped For (Things Not Seen 2)
by Andrew Clements
18 Sep 15
Things Not Seen (Things Not Seen 1)
by Andrew Clements
16 Sep 15
Ambush (Pillage 3)
by Obert Skye
14 Sep 15
Choke (Pillage 2)
by Obert Skye
12 Sep 15
Stolen Magic (A Tale of Two Castles 2)
by Gail Carson Levine
10 Sep 15
Darcy Moon and the Deep-Fried Frogs
by Catherine Carvell
04 Sep 15
Children of Dune (Dune 3)
by Frank Herbert
04 Sep 15
Dune Messiah (Dune 2)
by Frank Herbert
25 Aug 15
Dune (Dune 1)
by Frank Herbert
22 Aug 15
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
by Jules Verne
12 Aug 15
The Trial
by Franz Kafka (trans David Wyllie)
04 Aug 15
The Wish Giver
by Bill Brittain
02 Aug 15
Home Leave
by Brittani Sonnenberg
01 Aug 15
Extra Credit
by Andrew Clements
28 Jul 15
Room One
by Andrew Clements
27 Jul 15
The Last Holiday Concert
by Andrew Clements
26 Jul 15
About Average
by Andrew Clements
26 Jul 15
The Stones of Green Knowe (The Green Knowe Chronicles 6)
by L.M. Boston
24 Jul 15
An Enemy at Green Knowe (The Green Knowe Chronicles 5)
by L.M. Boston
23 Jul 15
A Stranger at Green Knowe (The Green Knowe Chronicles 4)
by L.M. Boston
22 Jul 15
The River at Green Knowe (The Green Knowe Chronicles 3)
by L.M. Boston
20 Jul 15
Treasure of Green Knowe (The Green Knowe Chronicles 2)
by L.M. Boston
17 Jul 15
The Children of Green Knowe (The Green Knowe Chronicles 1)
by L.M. Boston
16 Jul 15
The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho
15 Jul 15
Thieftaker (Thieftaker Chronicles 1)
by D.B. Jackson
13 Jul 15
Pillage (Pillage 1)
by Obert Skye
08 Jul 15
Bitter Fruits
by Alice Clark-Platts
08 Jul 15
by Vladimir Nabokov
05 Jul 15
The Iliad
by Homer (trans. Alexander Pope)
03 Jul 15
by George Eliot
13 Jun 15
Riddley Walker
by Russel Hoban
13 May 15
The Book Thief
by Markus Zusak
07 May 15
The Witch of Portobello
by Paul Coelho
01 May 15
Midnight Bayou
by Nora Roberts
29 Apr 15
PS, I Love You
by Cecelia Ahern
26 Apr 15
Brilliance of the Moon (Tales of the Otori 3)
by Lian Hearn
24 Apr 15
Grass for His pillow (Tales of the Otori 2)
by Lian Hearn
23 Apr 15
Across the Nightingale Floor (Tales of the Otori 1)
by Lian Hearn
18 Apr 15
Arcade Catastrophe (The Candy Shop War 2)
by Brandon Mull
11 Apr 15
The Candy Shop War (The Candy Shop War 1)
by Brandon Mull
06 Apr 15
A Tale of Two Castles (A Tale of Two Castles 1)
by Gail Carson Levine
03 Apr 15
Midnight in Austenland (Austenland 2)
by Shannon Hale
30 Mar 15
Austenland (Austenland 1)
by Shannon Hale
28 Mar 15
Mrs. Dalloway
by Virginia Woolf
26 Mar 15
The Actor and the Housewife
by Shannon Hale
19 Mar 15
Forest Born (The Books of Bayern 4)
by Shannon Hale
16 Mar 15
Leven Thumps and the Ruins of Alder (Leven Thumps 5)
by Obert Skye
12 Mar 15
Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra (Leven Thumps 4)
by Obert Skye
09 Mar 15
Leven Thumps and the Eyes of the Want (Leven Thumps 3)
by Obert Skye
04 Mar 15
Leven Thumps and the Whispered Secret (Leven Thumps 2)
by Obert Skye
27 Feb 15
Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo (Leven Thumps 1)
by Obert Skye
23 Feb 15
Magyk (Septimus Heap 1)
by Angie Sage
20 Feb 15
The Blue Girl
by Charles de Lint
18 Feb 15
Sense and Sensibility: An Annotated Edition
by Jane Austen, Edited by Patricia Meyer Spacks
17 Feb 15
Little (Grrl) Lost
by Charles de Lint
14 Feb 15
by The Singapore Writers' Group
09 Feb 15
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
by Victor Hugo
08 Feb 15
Book of a Thousand Days
by Shannon Hale
01 Feb 15
Palace of Stone (Princess Academy 2)
by Shannon Hale
31 Jan 15
Princess Academy (Princess Academy 1)
by Shannon Hale
27 Jan 15
Gone with the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell
26 Jan 15
Goliath (Leviathan 3)
by Scott Westerfeld
09 Jan 15
Behemoth (Leviathan 2)
by Scott Westerfeld
05 Jan 15
Leviathan (Leviathan 1)
by Scott Westerfeld
01 Jan 15
Abel's Island
by William Steig
31 Dec 14
by William Steig
31 Dec 14
An Autobiography
by M.K. Gandhi
28 Dec 14
The Sun My Heart
by Thich Nhat Hanh
26 Dec 14
The Brain that Changes Itself
by Norman Doidge
23 Dec 14
The Last Book in the Universe
by Rodman Philbrick
11 Dec 14
The Sworn Sword
by George R.R. Martin
10 Dec 14
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind
by Zack Whedon
10 Dec 14
The Hedge Knight
by George R.R. Martin
09 Dec 14
Basic Patterns of Chinese Grammar
by Qin Xue Herzberg and Larry Herzberg
08 Dec 14
Show Your Work!
by Austin Kleon
07 Dec 14
Steal Like an Artist
by Austin Kleon
05 Dec 14
Crime and Human Nature
by James Q. Wilson, Richard J. Herrnstein
01 Dec 14
Learned Optimism
by Martin E. P. Seligman
22 Nov 14
Talk to the Snail
by Stephen Clarke
15 Nov 14
Eve and Adam
by Michael Grant and Katherine Applegate
05 Nov 14
by Oliver Sacks
02 Nov 14
Inle Lake
by Ma Thanegi
01 Nov 14
The Spirit of Bagan
by Than Oo
31 Oct 14
The Splendours of Myanmar
by Ma Thanegi
31 Oct 14
The Third Kingdom (Sword of Truth: Continued 2)
by Terry Goodkind
26 Oct 14
The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way
by Amanda Ripley
25 Oct 14
This Will Make You Smarter
by John Brockman
23 Oct 14
Life Science Library: Mathematics
by David Bergamini
17 Oct 14
by Sam Harris
13 Oct 14
You Are Not So Smart
by David McRaney
13 Oct 14
The Meme Machine
by Susan Blackmore
12 Oct 14
The Coxford Singlish Dictionary
06 Oct 14
by Sissela Bok
29 Sep 14
Stumbling on Happiness
by Daniel Gilbert
24 Sep 14
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
by Joseph Campbell
21 Sep 14
Murphy's Law Book 3
by Arthur Bloch
14 Sep 14
Word Myths
by David Wilton
13 Sep 14
100 Best Books for Children
by Anita Silvey
10 Sep 14
Sayings of Buddha
by Tsai Chih Chung, E.E. Ho and W.L. Rathje
09 Sep 14
The Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Battle at the Red Cliff
by Li Chengli, Zhang Qirong and Hu Shiping
31 Aug 14
Origins of Chinese Martial Arts
by Jack Cheong, Laurel Teo and Loh Chong Chai
30 Aug 14
Save the Cat
by Blake Snyder
29 Aug 14
Simple and Direct
by Jacques Barzun
27 Aug 14
Essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine
by Fu Chunjiang, Y.N. Han, Shu Wenjun, Lin Yuan, and Cheng Sim Kim
26 Aug 14
Writing Down the Bones
by Natalie Goldberg
14 Aug 14
Writing Great Books for Young Adults
by Regina L. Brooks
10 Aug 14
The Constitution of the United States of America with the Declaration of Independence
by Fall River Press (Barnes and Noble)
10 Aug 14
The Power of Positive Thinking
by Norman Vincent Peale
08 Aug 14
3X Carlin
by George Carlin
07 Aug 14
The Antidote
by Oliver Burkeman
03 Aug 14
Encyclopedia of Sinhala Language and Culture
by J. B. Disanayaka
03 Aug 14
The Sayings of Confucius
by Tsai Chih Chung and Goh Beng Choo
02 Aug 14
How to Understand and Use Design and Layout
by Alan Swann
30 Jul 14
Popular Chinese Proverbs
by Goh Pei Ki, Wu Xiaojun and Geraldine Chay
27 Jul 14
Origins of Chinese Names
by Fu Chunjiang, Choong Joo Ling and Chua Wei Lin
27 Jul 14
Speaking of Chinese
by Raymond Change and Margaret Scrogin Chang
24 Jul 14
Now, Discover Your Strengths
by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton
20 Jul 14
The Mind of a Mnemonist
by A. R. Luria
12 Jul 14
The Tao of Warren Buffett
by Mary Buffett and David Clark
09 Jul 14
Hardwiring Happiness
by Rick Hanson
09 Jul 14
Fire Star (The Last Dragon Chronicles 3)
by Chris D'Lacey
28 Jun 14
Icefire (The Last Dragon Chronicles 2)
by Chris D'Lacey
28 Jun 14
The Fire Within (The Last Dragon Chronicles 1)
by Chris D'Lacey
26 Jun 14
Reading Like a Writer
by Francine Prose
25 Jun 14
by John Napier
23 Jun 14
Stephen Fry in America
by Stephen Fry
19 Jun 14
Bzrk Apocalypse (Bzrk 3)
by Michael Grant
01 Jun 14
by Chip and Dan Heath
27 May 14
The Town Cats and Other Tales
by Lloyd Alexander
20 May 14
Gut Feelings
by Gerd Gigerenzer
19 May 14
The Seven Best Things Happy Couples Do
by John C. Friel and Linda D. Friel
13 May 14
Ad Infinitum
by Nicholas Ostler
13 May 14
Lao Folktales
by Steven Jay Epstein
27 Apr 14
Terry Pratchett's Nation: The Play
by Mark Ravenhill
26 Apr 14
Why Not Catch-21?
by Gary Dexter
26 Apr 14
The Surgeon of Crowthorne
by Simon Winchester
21 Apr 14
Thunder from the East
by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn
14 Apr 14
Inside HBO's Game of Thrones
by Bryan Cogman
08 Apr 14
Mr. China
by Tim Clissold
03 Apr 14
Writing the Breakout Novel
by Donald Maass
28 Mar 14
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
by Susan Cain
26 Mar 14
A Memory of Light (Wheel of Time 14)
by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
24 Mar 14
The Long War (The Long Earth 2)
by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
16 Mar 14
The Long Earth (The Long Earth 1)
by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter
12 Mar 14
Why Men Don't Listen and Women Can't Read Maps
by Allan and Barbara Pease
10 Mar 14
As China Goes, So Goes the World
by Karl Gerth
10 Mar 14
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
03 Mar 14
The Annotated Hans Christian Andersen
by Maria Tatar
03 Mar 14
What Color Is Your Parachute (2013)
by Richard N. Bolles
25 Feb 14
Reading in the Brain
by Stanislas Dehaene
23 Feb 14
by Chuck Palahniuk
08 Feb 14
The Witch's Garden
by Ruth Chew
04 Feb 14
The Trouble with Magic
by Ruth Chew
03 Feb 14
Witch's Cat
by Ruth Chew
03 Feb 14
The Magic Coin
by Ruth Chew
03 Feb 14
Chasing the Prophecy (Beyonders 3)
by Brandon Mull
30 Jan 14
by Carol S. Dweck
29 Jan 14
How Children Succeed
by Paul Tough
24 Jan 14
Burma Chronicles
by Guy Delisle
21 Jan 14
The Coming Collapse of China
by Gordon G. Chang
20 Jan 14
Thirteen Reasons Why
by Jay Asher
17 Jan 14
Country Driving
by Peter Hessler
10 Jan 14
Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
by Robin Sloan
03 Jan 14
Connect with the Divine
by Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma
02 Jan 14
The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology
by Arthur Cotterell and Rachel Storm
31 Dec 13
The Divine Leads
by Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma
30 Dec 13
Stealing the Elf-King's Roses
by Diane Duane
29 Dec 13
The Stars Shine Down and The Best Laid Plans
by Sidney Sheldon
22 Dec 13
I Am Jackie Chan
by Jackie Chan with Jeff Yang
19 Dec 13
The Gypsy Game
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
11 Dec 13
The Egypt Game
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
08 Dec 13
The Witches of Worm
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
06 Dec 13
by Terry Pratchett
06 Dec 13
Song of the Gargoyle
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
05 Dec 13
The Year of Living Dangerously
by Christopher J. Koch
02 Dec 13
Lucky Child
by Loung Ung
28 Nov 13
Elmer and the Dragon
by Ruth Stiles Gannett
27 Nov 13
The Dragons of Blueland
by Ruth Stiles Gannett
27 Nov 13
My Father's Dragon
by Ruth Stiles Gannett
27 Nov 13
Life and Death in Shanghai
by Nien Cheng
26 Nov 13
An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics
by F. Ungerer and H. J Schmid
21 Nov 13
Little Hut of Leaping Fishes
by Chiew-Siah Tei
10 Nov 13
An Essential Guide to Singlish
by Miel
06 Nov 13
Extras (Uglies 4)
by Scott Westerfeld
06 Nov 13
Specials (Uglies 3)
by Scott Westerfeld
04 Nov 13
Pretties (Uglies 2)
by Scott Westerfeld
04 Nov 13
Uglies (Uglies 1)
by Scott Westerfeld
02 Nov 13
A Trip of the Tongue
by Elizabeth Little
01 Nov 13
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother
by Amy Chua
21 Oct 13
An Anthropologist on Mars
by Oliver Sacks
21 Oct 13
The Mind's Eye
by Oliver Sacks
16 Oct 13
BZRK Reloaded (Bzrk 2)
by Michael Grant
12 Oct 13
Love and War (Library Wars 1)
by Kiiro Yumi
09 Oct 13
Sophie's World
by Jostein Gaarder
08 Oct 13
by Peter Dickinson
26 Sep 13
by Tim Harford
26 Sep 13
The 108 Names of Ganesha
by Ashima Singh
23 Sep 13
Midnight Blue
by Pauline Fisk
22 Sep 13
Thesaurus of Extremes
by Michael Hatch
22 Sep 13
Anna of Byzantium
by Tracy Barrett
17 Sep 13
A Zoo in My Luggage
by Gerald Durrell
15 Sep 13
No Blade of Grass
by John Christopher
11 Sep 13
I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was
by Barbara Sher
20 Aug 13
Dairy Queen
by Catherine Gilbert Murdock
12 Aug 13
Fortune & Feng Shui 2013 Rooster
by Lillian Too and Jennifer Too
12 Aug 13
Bzrk (Bzrk 1)
by Michael Grant
10 Aug 13
by Michael Crichton
05 Aug 13
Something Borrowed
by Emily Giffin
31 Jul 13
Word Watching
by Alex Horne
29 Jul 13
Rethinking Friendship
by Liz Spencer and Ray Pahl
23 Jul 13
by Pamela Meyer
21 Jul 13
Man Walks Into a Bar 2
by Jonathan Swan
17 Jul 13
Towers of Midnight (Wheel of Time 13)
by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
15 Jul 13
The Woman Who Thought Too Much
by Joanne Limburg
07 Jul 13
by Daniel H. Pink
01 Jul 13
13 Is the New 18
by Beth J. Harpaz
14 Jun 13
Mindfulness Made Easy
by Martha Langley
12 Jun 13
by Oliver Burkeman
06 Jun 13
How to Tutor Your Own Child
by Marina Koestler Ruben
01 Jun 13
The Happiness Advantage
by Shawn Achor
31 May 13
How Low Can You Go?
by Tom Chesshyre
29 May 13
The Curse of the Masking-Tape Mummy
by Scott Meyer
28 May 13
Made with 90% Recycled Art
by Scott Meyer
27 May 13
Just Listen
by Sarah Dessen
27 May 13
Lock and Key
by Sarah Dessen
26 May 13
This Lullaby
by Sarah Dessen
24 May 13
Help Is on the Way
by Scott Meyer
24 May 13
Light (Gone 6)
by Michael Grant
22 May 13
by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
21 May 13
Make Your Website Sell
by Jed Wylie
20 May 13
Fear (Gone 5)
by Michael Grant
13 May 13
Plague (Gone 4)
by Michael Grant
13 May 13
Lies (Gone 3)
by Michael Grant
09 May 13
Hunger (Gone 2)
by Michael Grant
08 May 13
Gone (Gone 1)
by Michael Grant
06 May 13
The Facebook Effect
by David Kirkpatrick
03 May 13
Words and Ideas
by Hans P. Guth
03 May 13
by Ken Auletta
25 Apr 13
The Last Unicorn (graphic novel)
by Peter S. Beagle
11 Apr 13
The Design of Future Things
by Donald A. Norman
08 Apr 13
Biting the Wax Tadpole
by Elizabeth Little
04 Apr 13
Being Wrong
by Kathryn Schulz
31 Mar 13
Mrs. Dolby's Memory Magic
by Karen Dolby
24 Mar 13
by Stephen Fry
22 Mar 13
The Weekend Novelist Rewrites the Novel
by Robert J. Ray
16 Mar 13
Gateway to Singapore Culture
by Asiapac Culture
10 Mar 13
English as It Is Broken 2
by The Straits Times
09 Mar 13
What the Dog Saw
by Malcolm Gladwell
08 Mar 13
English as It Is Broken
by The Straits Times
06 Mar 13
The Difference Between Malaysians and Singaporeans
by Ravi Veloo and Cheng Puay Koon
04 Mar 13
The Logic of Life
by Tim Harford
04 Mar 13
Snuff (Discworld 39)
by Terry Pratchett
24 Feb 13
by Ai Weiwei
18 Feb 13
by Chip and Dan Heath
17 Feb 13
Be Your Own Counsellor
by Sheila Dainow
11 Feb 13
The Man Who Forgot How to Read
by Howard Engel
09 Feb 13
How to Remember Anything
by Mark Channon
09 Feb 13
Dying of the Light
by George R. R. Martin
04 Feb 13
The Buddha's Life as told on the Borobudur
by Titus Leber
29 Jan 13
The Prodigal Tongue
by Mark Abley
29 Jan 13
Islam: An Introduction
by Teach Yourself
21 Jan 13
One Thing at a Time
by Cindy Glovinsky
15 Jan 13
Language in Thought and Action
by S. I. Hayakawa
14 Jan 13
The Elements of Journalism
by Bill Covach and Tom Rosenstiel
05 Jan 13
Niccolo Rising
by Dorothy Dunnett
01 Jan 13
The Water Babies
by Charles Kingsley
27 Dec 12
Rising Sun
by Michael Crichton
25 Dec 12
The Mountain of Adventure
by Enid Blyton
23 Dec 12
by Michael Crichton
22 Dec 12
Mockingjay (The Hunger Games 3)
by Suzanne Collins
14 Dec 12
Catching Fire (The Hunger Games 2)
by Suzanne Collins
13 Dec 12
The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games 1)
by Suzanne Collins
11 Dec 12
by Seth Godin
01 Dec 12
Junk English
by Ken Smith
28 Nov 12
Igraine the Brave
by Cornelia Funke
24 Nov 12
What Really Helps
by Karen Kissel Wegela
22 Nov 12
by Martyn Bedford
19 Nov 12
The Mysterious Edge of the Heroic World
by E. L. Konigsburg
17 Nov 12
Three Cheers for Polly
by Carol Morse
13 Nov 12
The Accidental Hero (The Jack Blank Adventures 1)
by Matt Myklusch
12 Nov 12
Leviathan (Leviathan 1)
by Scott Westerfield
09 Nov 12
by Christopher Hitchens
05 Nov 12
Leaving Johnny Behind
by Anthony Pedriana
02 Nov 12
Seeds of Rebellion (Beyonders 2)
by Brandon Mull
28 Oct 12
The Philadelphia Advanture (Vesper Holly 5)
by Lloyd Alexander
25 Oct 12
The Jedera Adventure (Vesper Holly 4)
by Lloyd Alexander
25 Oct 12
The Bar Code Rebellion (The Bar Code Series 2)
by Suzanne Weyn
24 Oct 12
The Drackenberg Adventure (Vesper Holly 3)
by Lloyd Alexander
23 Oct 12
The El Dorado Adventure (Vesper Holly 2)
by Lloyd Alexander
22 Oct 12
The Illyrian Adventure (Vesper Holly 1)
by Lloyd Alexander
20 Oct 12
River Secrets (Books of Bayern 3)
by Shannon Hale
15 Oct 12
Origins of Chinese Culture
by Compiled by Li Xiaoxiang, illustrated by Fu Chunjiang
15 Oct 12
The Decisive Moment
by Jonah Lehrer
13 Oct 12
Enna Burning (Books of Bayern 2)
by Shannon Hale
12 Oct 12
The Goose Girl (Books of Bayern 1)
by Shannon Hale
10 Oct 12
by Christopher Hitchens
09 Oct 12
The Longer Long Tail
by Chris Anderson
06 Oct 12
Beginnings, Middles and Ends
by Nancy Kress
30 Sep 12
From Socrates to Sartre
by T. Z. Levine
28 Sep 12
The Invisible Dog
by Dick King-Smith
27 Sep 12
Successful Writing (3rd Edition)
by Maxine C. Hairston
17 Sep 12
The Last Universe
by William Sleator
09 Sep 12
Once on a Time
by A. A. Milne
09 Sep 12
The Lost and Forgotten Languages of Shanghai
by Ruiyan Xu
06 Sep 12
by Ori Brafman and Rom Brafman
31 Aug 12
by Elizabeth Gilbert
31 Aug 12
Eat, Pray, Love
by Elizabeth Gilbert
28 Aug 12
The Information
by James Gleick
25 Aug 12
The Omen Machine (Sword of Truth: Continued 1)
by Terry Goodkind
21 Aug 12
The Annotated Phantom Tollbooth
by Norton Juster, annotated by Leonard S. Marcus
19 Aug 12
Where Did Noah Park the Ark?
by Eran Katz
13 Aug 12
The Magic of Reality
by Richard Dawkins
13 Aug 12
The Lexus and the Olive Tree
by Thomas L. Friedman
08 Aug 12
The Selfish Gene
by Richard Dawkins
25 Jul 12
You Are What You Speak
by Robert Lane Greene
20 Jul 12
by Richard H. Thaler and Cass R. Sunstein
11 Jul 12
Cinderella Ate My Daughter
by Peggy Orenstein
10 Jul 12
Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman
10 Jul 12
You Just Don't Understand
by Deborah Tannen
05 Jul 12
Shopping for Buddhas
by Jeff Greenwald
30 Jun 12
Thought and Language
by Lev Vygotsky (revised and edited by Alex Kozulin)
27 Jun 12
by Chris Anderson
16 Jun 12
Pirate Latitudes
by Michael Crichton
10 Jun 12
by Michael Crichton
04 Jun 12
Making Peace with the Things in Your Life
by Cindy Glovinsky
29 May 12
The Atheist's Bible
by Joan Konner
21 May 12
A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire 5)
by George R. R. Martin
21 May 12
Chinese Buzzwords with English Explanations
by Shanghai Daily
21 May 12
Why We Lie
by Dorothy Rowe
19 May 12
Last Chance
by Sarah Dessen
14 May 12
Someone Like You
by Sarah Dessen
12 May 12
That Summer
by Sarah Dessen
10 May 12
A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire 4)
by George R. R. Martin
04 May 12
A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire 3)
by George R. R. Martin
27 Apr 12
A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire 2)
by George R. R. Martin
14 Apr 12
First One Hundred and Fifty Years
by J. Wiley & Sons, Inc.
12 Apr 12
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire 1)
by George R. R. Martin
01 Apr 12
Writing Books for Children
by Jane Yolen
23 Mar 12
The Little Giant Book of Proverbs
by Sam Phillips
20 Mar 12
Writing Magic
by Gail Carson Levine
20 Mar 12
Once Upon a Time in the North
by Philip Pullman
19 Mar 12
Fooled by Randomness
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
18 Mar 12
Ignorance is Blitz
by Anders Henriksson
16 Mar 12
Taking Ourselves Seriously and Getting It Right
by Harry G. Frankfurt
15 Mar 12
Predictably Irrational
by Dan Ariely
14 Mar 12
Why Johnny Can't Read
by Rudolf Flesch
13 Mar 12
The Annotated Persuasion
by Jane Austen
12 Mar 12
The Bed of Procrustes
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
09 Mar 12
Knowledge for Generations
by Timothy Curtis Jacobson , George David Smith , Robert E. Wright
27 Feb 12
Return to Howliday Inn
by James Howe
24 Feb 12
Bunnicula Strikes Again!
by James Howe
24 Feb 12
Bunnicula Meets Edgar Allan Crow
by James Howe
24 Feb 12
by Deborah and James Howe
23 Feb 12
Howliday Inn
by James Howe
23 Feb 12
The Celery Stalks at Midnight
by James Howe
23 Feb 12
by James Howe
23 Feb 12
by Christopher Paolini
23 Feb 12
The Island of the Colorblind
by Oliver Sacks
14 Feb 12
The Pocket Stylist
by Kendall Farr
13 Feb 12
The Black Swan
by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
08 Feb 12
The Dark Side of the Sun
by Terry Pratchett
27 Jan 12
What Happened to Goodbye
by Sarah Dessen
23 Jan 12
Have Space Suit --- Will Travel
by Robert A. Heinlein
22 Jan 12
The Whisper of Glocken
by Carol Kendall
21 Jan 12
Made to Stick
by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
17 Jan 12
The Wisdom of Crowds
by James Surowiecki
14 Jan 12
The Redemption of Althalus
by David and Leigh Eddings
09 Jan 12
The Elfstones of Shannara (Shannara 2)
by Terry Brooks
29 Dec 11
Origins of Chinese Language
by Compiled by Lim SK, illustrated by Fu Chunjiang, translated by Li En
24 Dec 11
Roller Skates
by Ruth Sawyer
22 Dec 11
Thimble Summer
by Elizabeth Enright
20 Dec 11
The Door in the Wall
by Marguerite de Angeli
19 Dec 11
The Summer of the Swans
by Betsy Byars
19 Dec 11
The Whipping Boy
by Sid Fleischman
18 Dec 11
The Black Pearl
by Scott O'Dell
18 Dec 11
by Bill Brittain
17 Dec 11
Dr. Dredd's Wagon of Wonders
by Bill Brittain
17 Dec 11
The Postmortal
by Drew Magary
16 Dec 11
How to Talk about Books You Haven't Read
by Pierre Bayard
15 Dec 11
House of Stairs
by William Sleator
13 Dec 11
by William Sleator
13 Dec 11
Journey Between Worlds
by Sylvia Engdahl
11 Dec 11
Enchantress of the Stars
by Sylvia Engdahl
11 Dec 11
Brideshead Revisited
by Evelyn Waugh
09 Dec 11
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Bronte
08 Dec 11
How Fiction Works
by James Wood
04 Dec 11
God Is Not Great
by Christopher Hitchens
03 Dec 11
by Yevgeny Zamyatin (translated by Mirra Ginsburg)
30 Nov 11
The Sword of Shannara (Shannara 1)
by Terry Brooks
29 Nov 11
Ayn Rand and the World She Made
by Anne C. Heller
12 Nov 11
by Malcolm Gladwell
10 Nov 11
Built to Last
by Jim Collins
03 Nov 11
by Edgar Pangborn
29 Oct 11
Tricks of the Mind
by Derren Brown
26 Oct 11
by Philip Reeve
22 Oct 11
The Peculiar Miss Pickett
by Nancy R. Julian
20 Oct 11
How to Talk so Kids Can Learn
by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
19 Oct 11
Aristotle for Everybody
by Mortimer J. Adler
14 Oct 11
by Ursula K. Le Guin
08 Oct 11
Scribbles from the Same Island
by Neil Humphreys
07 Oct 11
by Oliver Sacks
03 Oct 11
This Year I Will...
by M.J. Ryan
24 Sep 11
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
by Jean-Dominique Bauby
18 Sep 11
100 Voices
by Scott McConnell
17 Sep 11
The Time Paradox
by Philip Zimbardo
11 Sep 11
Yes Man
by Danny Wallace
09 Sep 11
Seeing Voices
by Oliver Sacks
28 Aug 11
A Leg to Stand On
by Oliver Sacks
24 Aug 11
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
by Robert M. Pirsig
24 Aug 11
Harry Potter and the Sorderer's Stone (Harry Potter 1)
by J. K. Rowling
21 Aug 11
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter 2)
by J. K. Rowling
20 Aug 11
Driving Technical Change
by Terrence Ryan
18 Aug 11
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter 3)
by J. K. Rowling
16 Aug 11
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter 4)
by J. K. Rowling
14 Aug 11
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter 5)
by J. K. Rowling
02 Aug 11
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Harry Potter 6)
by J. K. Rowling
24 Jul 11
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter 7)
by J. K. Rowling
18 Jul 11
The Old Man and the Sea
by Ernest Hemingway
17 Jul 11
The Happiness Project
by Gretchen Rubin
16 Jul 11
Questioning the Millennium
by Stephen Jay Gould
10 Jul 11
The Tyranny of Words
by Stuart Chase
09 Jul 11
When in Doubt, Make Belief
by Jeff Bell
02 Jul 11
Perfect Order
by J. Stephen Lansing
30 Jun 11
Accomodating Brocolli in the Cemetary
by Vivian Cook
25 Jun 11
Un Lun Dun
by China Miéville
24 Jun 11
Righting the Mother Tongue
by David Wolman
18 Jun 11
The Rational Optimist
by Matt Ridley
16 Jun 11
Formal Notices from the Bureau of Communication
by Joshua and David Keay
12 Jun 11
Humongous Zits
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
04 Jun 11
Big Honkin' Zits
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
04 Jun 11
Zits Supersized
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
04 Jun 11
Along for the Ride
by Sarah Dessen
04 Jun 11
The Truth about Forever
by Sarah Dessen
29 May 11
A World without Heroes (Beyonders 1)
by Brandon Mull
28 May 11
My So-Called Freelance Life
by Michelle Goodman
24 May 11
Walt Disney
by Neal Gabler
18 May 11
Career Renegade
by Jonathan Fields
24 Apr 11
Superstition: Belief in the Age of Science
by Robert L. Park
22 Apr 11
The Pocket Guide to Critical Thinking
by Richard L. Epstein
21 Apr 11
Raising the Perfect Child through Guilt and Manipulation
by Elizabeth Beckwith
18 Apr 11
Vanity Fair
by William Makepeace Thackeray
17 Apr 11
The God Delusion
by Richard Dawkins
16 Apr 11
Kill the Princess
by Stephanie Vermeulen
10 Apr 11
Outliers: The Story of Success
by Malcolm Gladwell
09 Apr 11
The Brand Handbook
by Wally Olins
02 Apr 11
Understanding China
by John Bryan Starr
02 Apr 11
Crossing the Chasm
by Geoffrey A. Moore
15 Mar 11
Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale
by Joss Whedon, Zack Whedon, and Chris Samnee
14 Mar 11
The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner
by Stephenie Meyer
09 Mar 11
The Gathering Storm (Wheel of Time 12)
by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson
08 Mar 11
The Importance of What We Care About
by Harry G. Frankfurt
15 Feb 11
The Mythical Man-Month
by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.
12 Feb 11
Knife of Dreams (Wheel of Time 11)
by Robert Jordan
11 Feb 11
Shape: Talking about Seeing and Doing
by George Stiny
04 Feb 11
How to Read Better and Faster
by Norman Lewis
03 Feb 11
From Cover to Cover
by Kathleen T. Horning
10 Jan 11
How to Read Novels Like a Professor
by Thomas C. Foster
07 Jan 11
Buddhism Explained
by Laurence-Khantipalo Mills
02 Jan 11
Megatokyo (Megatokyo 6)
by Fred Gallagher
31 Dec 10
New Spring (Wheel of Time 0)
by Robert Jordan
31 Dec 10
XKCD Volume 0
by Randall Munroe
29 Dec 10
Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time 10)
by Robert Jordan
20 Dec 10
Winter's Heart (Wheel of Time 9)
by Robert Jordan
01 Dec 10
My Life Is a Weapon
by Christoph Reuter
23 Nov 10
The Law of Nines (Sword of Truth: Miscellaneous 1)
by Terry Goodkind
17 Nov 10
Jihad in Islamic History
by Michael Bonner
17 Nov 10
The Satanic Verses
by Salman Rushdie
13 Nov 10
Taken Hostage
by David Farber
03 Nov 10
The Memory Palace of Matteo Ricci
by Jonathan D. Spence
25 Oct 10
Whirlwind (Asian Saga 5)
by James Clavell
22 Oct 10
Unseen Academicals (Discworld 37)
by Terry Pratchett
29 Sep 10
Mountain of Fame
by John E Wills Jr.
26 Sep 10
by Adam Greenfield
28 Aug 10
Keys to the Demon Prison (Fablehaven 5)
by Brandon Mull
19 Aug 10
Antony and Cleopatra
by Colleen McCullough
14 Aug 10
Women Don't Ask
by Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever
07 Aug 10
The Purchase of Intimacy
by Viviana A. Zelizer
05 Aug 10
The Dreaming Place
by Charles de Lint
27 Jul 10
The Box
by Mark Levinson
13 Jul 10
The Independence of Miss Mary Bennet
by Colleen McCullough
29 Jun 10
The Path of Daggers (Wheel of Time 8)
by Robert Jordan
27 Jun 10
A Crown of Swords (Wheel of Time 7)
by Robert Jordan
06 Jun 10
Lord of Chaos (Wheel of Time 6)
by Robert Jordan
25 May 10
Pattern Design
by Lewis F. Day
06 May 10
Magnetic Storm
by Roger Dean and Martyn Dean
04 May 10
The Fires of Heaven (Wheel of Time 5)
by Robert Jordan
25 Apr 10
The Complete Cartoons of the New Yorker
by Robert Mankoff
24 Apr 10
The Shadow Rising (Wheel of Time 4)
by Robert Jordan
11 Apr 10
The Host
by Stephenie Meyer
27 Mar 10
Breaking Dawn (Twilight 4)
by Stephenie Meyer
14 Mar 10
Eclipse (Twilight 3)
by Stephenie Meyer
09 Mar 10
by Michael Crichton
06 Mar 10
The Lost World
by Michael Crichton
27 Feb 10
Jurassic Park
by Michael Crichton
21 Feb 10
The Art of Clear Thinking
by Rudolf Flesch
19 Feb 10
by Michael Crichton
15 Feb 10
by Michael Crichton
11 Feb 10
How to Read a Book
by Mortimer H. Adler
07 Feb 10
The Andromeda Strain
by Michael Crichton
04 Feb 10
The Great Train Robbery
by Michael Crichton
28 Jan 10
State of Fear
by Michael Crichton
21 Jan 10
The Time Traveler's Wife
by Audrey Niffenegger
05 Jan 10
The Bar Code Tattoo
by Suzanne Weyn
31 Dec 09
Naked Eye (Fearless FBI 4)
by Francine Pascal
29 Dec 09
Agent Out (Fearless FBI 3)
by Francine Pascal
26 Dec 09
Live Bait (Fearless FBI 2)
by Francine Pascal
26 Dec 09
Kill Game (Fearless FBI 1)
by Francine Pascal
23 Dec 09
The Adventure of English
by Melvyn Bragg
19 Dec 09
Entertain the End (Everworld 12)
by K. A. Applegate
13 Dec 09
Mystify the Magician (Everworld 11)
by K. A. Applegate
13 Dec 09
Understand the Unknown (Everworld 10)
by K. A. Applegate
11 Dec 09
Inside the Illusion (Everworld 9)
by K. A. Applegate
10 Dec 09
Brave the Betrayal (Everworld 8)
by K. A. Applegate
08 Dec 09
Fear the Fantastic (Everworld 6)
by K. A. Applegate
08 Dec 09
Gateway to the Gods (Everworld 7)
by K. A. Applegate
07 Dec 09
I Am Blind and My Dog Is Dead
by Sam Gross
05 Dec 09
Redneck Dictionary
by Jeff Foxworthy
05 Dec 09
Discover the Destroyer (Everworld 5)
by K. A. Applegate
05 Dec 09
The Way to Write for Children
by Joan Aiken
04 Dec 09
Realm of the Reaper (Everworld 4)
by K. A. Applegate
03 Dec 09
Enter the Enchanted (Everworld 3)
by K. A. Applegate
02 Dec 09
Land of Loss (Everworld 2)
by K. A. Applegate
01 Dec 09
Search for Senna (Everworld 1)
by K. A. Applegate
30 Nov 09
The Ladies of Missalonghi
by Colleen McCullough
28 Nov 09
The Joy of Cliches
by Nigel Rees
25 Nov 09
New Moon (Twilight 2)
by Stephenie Meyer
23 Nov 09
Becoming a Writer
by Dorothea Brande
18 Nov 09
The Art of Fiction
by Ayn Rand, edited by Tore Boeckmann, Introduction by Leonard Peikoff
17 Nov 09
Twilight (Twilight 1)
by Stephenie Meyer
07 Nov 09
Child's Talk
by Jerome Bruner
05 Nov 09
An Indecent Obsession
by Colleen McCullough
04 Nov 09
Wizard World
by Roger Zelazny
29 Oct 09
by Colleen McCullough
24 Oct 09
The Tails of Quince and Flute in Semer Wood
by Jeannie and Peter Ferber
21 Oct 09
Shadowland (The Brotherhood of the Conch 3)
by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
20 Oct 09
Wharton: Novellas and Other Writings
by Edith Wharton/Library of America
18 Oct 09
Jake Drake: Teacher's Pet
by Andrew Clements
22 Sep 09
Jake Drake: Know-It-All
by Andrew Clements
22 Sep 09
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
20 Sep 09
by Edith Wharton
08 Sep 09
Lunch Money
by Andrew Clements
06 Sep 09
The Custom of the Country
by Edith Wharton
05 Sep 09
The Reef
by Edith Wharton
27 Aug 09
Jake Drake: Class Clown
by Andrew Clements
21 Aug 09
The Golden Dream of Carlo Chuchio
by Lloyd Alexander
20 Aug 09
Buried Fire
by Jonathan Stroud
18 Aug 09
The Rope Trick
by Lloyd Alexander
16 Aug 09
The Fantastical Adventures of the Invisible Boy
by Lloyd Alexander
15 Aug 09
Gypsy Rizka
by Lloyd Alexander
13 Aug 09
The Cat Who Wished to Be a Man
by Lloyd Alexander
12 Aug 09
Jake Drake: Bully Buster
by Andrew Clements
11 Aug 09
by Perry Moore
09 Aug 09
Latin for All Occasions
by Henry Beard
08 Aug 09
by Gail Carson Levine
07 Aug 09
Johnny and the Bomb (Johnny Maxwell 3)
by Terry Pratchett
05 Aug 09
Johnny and the Dead (Johnny Maxwell 2)
by Terry Pratchett
03 Aug 09
Only You Can Save Mankind (Johnny Maxwell 1)
by Terry Pratchett
01 Aug 09
The Report Card
by Andrew Clements
01 Aug 09
Lost and Found
by Andrew Clements
01 Aug 09
A Week in the Woods
by Andrew Clements
31 Jul 09
School Story
by Andrew Clements
29 Jul 09
The Jacket
by Andrew Clements
29 Jul 09
The Janitor's Boy
by Andrew Clements
28 Jul 09
Wings (Bromeliad 3)
by Terry Pratchett
27 Jul 09
Diggers (Bromeliad 2)
by Terry Pratchett
25 Jul 09
My Bad
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
25 Jul 09
Truckers (Bromeliad 1)
by Terry Pratchett
23 Jul 09
Hackers and Painters
by Paul Graham
21 Jul 09
The Design of Everyday Things
by Donald A. Norman
17 Jul 09
The Candy Shop War
by Brandon Mull
08 Jul 09
Serenity: Better Days
by Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, Will Conrad
05 Jul 09
Atlas Shrugged
by Ayn Rand
05 Jul 09
Brisingr (Inheritance 3)
by Christopher Paolini
13 Jun 09
Morgan's Run
by Colleen McCullough
02 Jun 09
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
by Sherman Alexie
27 May 09
Chengdu Stories
by China Knowledge
24 May 09
Plato and a Platypus Walk into a Bar 
by Thomas Cathcart and Daniel Klein
14 May 09
A Wizard Abroad (Young Wizards 4)
by Diane Duane
13 May 09
High Wizardry (Young Wizards 3)
by Diane Duane
02 May 09
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary (Fablehaven 4)
by Brandon Mull
26 Apr 09
Deep Wizardry (Young Wizards 2)
by Diane Duane
25 Apr 09
Ethan Frome and other
by Edith Wharton
22 Apr 09
China's Brave New World
by Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom
22 Apr 09
Spindle's End
by Robin McKinley
11 Apr 09
by Terry Pratchett
04 Apr 09
Wintersmith (Young Discworld 4)
by Terry Pratchett
31 Mar 09
The Carpet People
by Terry Pratchett
28 Mar 09
The Tales of Beedle the Bard
by J. K. Rowling
24 Mar 09
The Eyes of the Dragon
by Stephen King
21 Mar 09
The Last Unicorn
by Peter S. Beagle
21 Mar 09
Designing Web Navigation
by James Kalbach
21 Mar 09
Excession (The Culture 4)
by Iain M. Banks
13 Mar 09
The Illustrated Man
by Ray Bradbury
10 Mar 09
Tuf Voyaging
by George R. R. Martin
07 Mar 09
The Thorn Birds
by Colleen McCullough
02 Mar 09
China in the Twentieth Century
by P.J. Bailey
22 Feb 09
About Chinese
by Richard Newnham
12 Feb 09
Making Money (Discworld 36)
by Terry Pratchett
08 Feb 09
Night Watch (Discworld 29)
by Terry Pratchett
05 Feb 09
Gone with the Wind
by Margaret Mitchell
01 Feb 09
by Hazel Rossotti
25 Jan 09
The Languages of China
by S. Robert Ramsey
13 Jan 09
Grip of the Shadow Plague (Fablehaven 3)
by Brandon Mull
31 Dec 08
Lord of the Flies
by William Golding
30 Dec 08
Confessor (Sword of Truth 11)
by Terry Goodkind
27 Dec 08
Alternative Zits (Zits 11)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
22 Dec 08
Debt of Bones (Sword of Truth: Prequels 1)
by Terry Goodkind
20 Dec 08
Phantom (Sword of Truth 10)
by Terry Goodkind
19 Dec 08
Chainfire (Sword of Truth 9)
by Terry Goodkind
14 Dec 08
Naked Empire (Sword of Truth 8)
by Terry Goodkind
05 Dec 08
The Pillars of Creation (Sword of Truth 7)
by Terry Goodkind
28 Nov 08
by Keith R.A. DeCandido
25 Nov 08
The Touch
by Colleen McCullough
19 Nov 08
Foucault's Pendulum
by Umberto Eco
16 Nov 08
Faith of the Fallen (Sword of Truth 6)
by Terry Goodkind
07 Nov 08
Soul of the Fire (Sword of Truth 5)
by Terry Goodkind
02 Nov 08
The Name of the Rose
by Umberto Eco
27 Oct 08
The Medieval Court in Europe
by Edward E. Haymes, editor
18 Oct 08
The New Yorker Book of Kids Cartoons
by New Yorker
06 Oct 08
The Magician's Ring
by Carol Gaskin
06 Oct 08
The New Yorker Book of Business Cartoons
by New Yorker
04 Oct 08
Going Postal (Discworld 33)
by Terry Pratchett
01 Oct 08
Thud! (Discworld 34)
by Terry Pratchett
28 Sep 08
The Borrowers
by Mary Norton
25 Sep 08
The Ranch
by Danielle Steel
23 Sep 08
by Jerry Spinelli
22 Sep 08
Absolut Book
by Richard W. Lewis
19 Sep 08
Why the Sky is Blue
by Götz Hoeppe
19 Sep 08
Reigning Cats and Dogs
by Hilary B. Price
18 Sep 08
The Music of the Spheres
by Elizabeth Redfern
11 Sep 08
49 Dogs, 36 Cats, and a Platypus
by Sidney Harris
04 Sep 08
The Saturdays
by Elizabeth Enright
03 Sep 08
The Society of Captives
by Gresham M. Sykes
02 Sep 08
No Talking
by Andrew Clements
28 Aug 08
by Richard F. Thompson and Stephen A. Madigan
27 Aug 08
by Andrew Clements
26 Aug 08
The Landry News
by Andrew Clements
26 Aug 08
Oral Sadism and the Vegetarian Personality
by Edited by Glenn C. Ellenbogen, PhD
18 Aug 08
Mars 1 (Mars 1)
by Fuyumi Soryo
16 Aug 08
God Said, "Ha!"
by Julia Sweeney
15 Aug 08
The Telling Pool
by David Clement-Davies
15 Aug 08
by Gail Carson Levine
11 Aug 08
Kare Kano 3 (Kare Kano 3)
by Masami Tsuda
09 Aug 08
by Louis Sachar
09 Aug 08
Kare Kano 2 (Kare Kano 2)
by Masami Tsuda
08 Aug 08
by Katherine Roberts
08 Aug 08
Kare Kano 1 (Kare Kano 1)
by Masami Tsuda
05 Aug 08
So You Want to Be a Wizard (Young Wizards 1)
by Diane Duane
05 Aug 08
The Wish
by Gail Carson Levine
02 Aug 08
Dave at Night
by Gail Carson Levine
01 Aug 08
The Price of Everything
by Russell Roberts
30 Jul 08
Rise of the Evening Star (Fablehaven 2)
by Brandon Mull
29 Jul 08
by Don Herzog
26 Jul 08
Fablehaven (Fablehaven 1)
by Brandon Mull
22 Jul 08
Piled Higher and Deeper: Scooped (PhD 3)
by Jorge Cham
20 Jul 08
Piled Higher and Deeper: Life Is Tough and Then You Graduate (PhD 2)
by Jorge Cham
20 Jul 08
Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD 1)
by Jorge Cham
20 Jul 08
The Heir of Mistmantle (Mistmantle Chronicles 3)
by M. I. McAllister
19 Jul 08
Urchin and the Heartstone (Mistmantle Chronicles 2)
by M. I. McAllister
16 Jul 08
Chicken Soup and Other Medical Matters
by Sidney Harris
15 Jul 08
The Darkest Hour (Warriors 6)
by Erin Hunter
12 Jul 08
A Dangerous Path (Warriors 5)
by Erin Hunter
11 Jul 08
The Rescuers
by Margery Sharp
09 Jul 08
A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver
by E. L. Konigsburg
08 Jul 08
The Boggart and the Monster (Boggart 2)
by Susan Cooper
07 Jul 08
Culture Shock Singapore
by Marion Bravo-bhasin
07 Jul 08
Fairy Haven and the Quest for the Wand (Disney Fairies 2)
by Gail Carson Levine
06 Jul 08
The Boggart (Boggart 1)
by Susan Cooper
06 Jul 08
Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg (Disney Fairies 1)
by Gail Carson Levine
06 Jul 08
The New Yorker Book of Literary Cartoons
by The New Yorker
04 Jul 08
Dilbert's Guide to the Rest of Your Life: Dispatches from Cubicleland
by Scott Adams
04 Jul 08
Fire Bringer
by David Clement-Davies
04 Jul 08
The New Yorker Book of Technology Cartoons
by The New Yorker
29 Jun 08
Mondo Boxo
by Roz Chast
28 Jun 08
Jump Start: A Love Story
by Robb Armstrong
28 Jun 08
by Charles Tilly
28 Jun 08
Tequila Mockingbird
by Leo Cullum
25 Jun 08
The Gospel According to Disney
by Mark I. Pinsky
23 Jun 08
The New Yorker Book of Cat Cartoons
by The New Yorker
22 Jun 08
The Losers/High Hunt
by David Eddings
21 Jun 08
Demons, Dreamers, and Madmen
by Harry G. Frankfurt
18 Jun 08
The New Yorker Book of Mom Cartoons
by The New Yorker
16 Jun 08
Hikaru No Go (Hikaru No Go 1)
by Yumi Hotta and Takeshi Obata
08 Jun 08
Adventures of the Greek Heroes
by Mollie McLean and Anne Wiseman
08 Jun 08
Urchin of the Riding Stars (Mistmantle Chronicles 1)
by M. I. McAllister
08 Jun 08
You Can't Say Boobs on Sunday
by Jan Eliot
07 Jun 08
by Sian Griffiths, ed.
03 Jun 08
by William Gibson
24 May 08
Metaphors We Live By
by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson
23 May 08
The Arkadians
by Lloyd Alexander
20 May 08
Cop in the Hood
by Peter Moskos
17 May 08
The Mystery of the Ghost Bell
by Val Abbott
12 May 08
The Questers
by E. W. Hildick
12 May 08
Peter Arno
by Peter Arno
11 May 08
Philosophy: Who Needs It?
by Ayn Rand
10 May 08
"You Want Proof? I'll Give You Proof!"
by Sidney Harris
08 May 08
The Temple of Winds (Sword of Truth 4)
by Terry Goodkind
07 May 08
The Wizard of Oz (Wizard of Oz 1)
by L. Frank Baum
02 May 08
The Official Rules of Life
by Paul Dickson
30 Apr 08
Complex Adaptive Systems
by John Miller and Scott Page
30 Apr 08
Einstein Atomized
by Sidney Harris
26 Apr 08
It's Not Funny If I Have to Explain It
by Scott Adams
26 Apr 08
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2)
by Jeff Kinney
25 Apr 08
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 1)
by Jeff Kinney
25 Apr 08
Can't You Guys Read?
by Sidney Harris
25 Apr 08
Another Day in Cubicle Paradise
by Scott Adams
22 Apr 08
When Body Language Goes Bad
by Scott Adams
21 Apr 08
Words You Don't Want to Hear During Your Annual Performance Review
by Scott Adams
21 Apr 08
The Future of the Book
by Geoffrey Nunberg, ed.
20 Apr 08
Noble House (Asian Saga 5)
by James Clavell
13 Apr 08
Euler's Gem
by David S. Richeson
20 Mar 08
Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet (Mushroom Planet 2)
by Eleanor Cameron
12 Mar 08
The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet (Mushroom Planet 1)
by Eleanor Cameron
11 Mar 08
Bedknob and Broomstick
by Mary Norton
09 Mar 08
The Gammage Cup
by Carol Kendall
08 Mar 08
The Little White Horse
by Elizabeth Goudge
07 Mar 08
Return to Gone-Away (Gone-Away Lake 2)
by Elizabeth Enright
04 Mar 08
Gone-Away Lake (Gone-Away Lake 1)
by Elizabeth Enright
03 Mar 08
Rising Storm (Warriors 4)
by Erin Hunter
02 Mar 08
Forest of Secrets (Warriors 3)
by Erin Hunter
01 Mar 08
Back to the Future
by George Gipe
27 Feb 08
The Last Starfighter
by Alan Dean Foster
27 Feb 08
Ambient Findability
by Peter Morville
25 Feb 08
Fire and Ice (Warriors 2)
by Erin Hunter
22 Feb 08
One Big Happy: Should I Spit on Him?
by Rick Detorie
21 Feb 08
The Lesser Kindred (Song in the Silence 2)
by Elizabeth Kerner
18 Feb 08
Leaving the Saints
by Martha Beck
15 Feb 08
So Many Books
by Gabriel Zaid
10 Feb 08
Einstein Simplified
by Sidney Harris
10 Feb 08
What Do You Call a Sociopath in a Cubicle?
by Scott Adams
10 Feb 08
by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
09 Feb 08
by Neil Gaiman
08 Feb 08
by Edith Wharton
08 Feb 08
Blood Red Horse
by K. M. Grant
06 Feb 08
Grow Up, America!
by Michael Hurd
03 Feb 08
The Phantom Tollbooth
by Norton Juster
01 Feb 08
One Big Happy: All the Dirt!
by Rick Detorie
30 Jan 08
The World is Flat
by Thomas L. Friedman
23 Jan 08
Beginning Database Design
by Clare Churcher
19 Jan 08
The Blood of the Fold (Sword of Truth 3)
by Terry Goodkind
17 Jan 08
Stone of Tears (Sword of Truth 2)
by Terry Goodkind
08 Jan 08
Pithy Pulpy Seedy Juicy
by Hilary Price
03 Jan 08
The Dragon Reborn (Wheel of Time 3)
by Robert Jordan
28 Dec 07
The Hedge Knight
by George R. R. Martin
26 Dec 07
The Ice Dragon
by George R. R. Martin
26 Dec 07
The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials 3)
by Philip Pullman
20 Dec 07
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials 2)
by Philip Pullman
12 Dec 07
The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials 1)
by Philip Pullman
10 Dec 07
The Book on the Bookshelf
by Henry Petroski
02 Dec 07
The New Yorker Book of All-New Cat Cartoons
by Knopf
28 Nov 07
The Age of Innocence
by Edith Wharton
22 Nov 07
The Wouldbegoods (Bastable Children 2)
by E. Nesbit
20 Nov 07
The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian
by Lloyd Alexander
16 Nov 07
The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha
by Lloyd Alexander
13 Nov 07
The Wizard in the Tree
by Lloyd Alexander
11 Nov 07
The New Treasure Seekers (Bastable Children 3)
by E. Nesbit
10 Nov 07
Dragon's Kin
by Todd McCaffrey
06 Nov 07
The Skies of Pern
by Anne McCaffrey
01 Nov 07
Dilbert: A Treasury of Sunday Strips
by Scott Adams
28 Oct 07
Random Acts of Managements
by Scott Adams
27 Oct 07
Don't Step in the Leadership
by Scott Adams
26 Oct 07
Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth 1)
by Terry Goodkind
18 Oct 07
by George R. R. Martin and Lisa Tuttle
12 Oct 07
Success through Failure
by Henry Petroski
09 Oct 07
Suburban Sahibs
by S. Mitra Kalita
06 Oct 07
On Beauty and Being Just
by Elaine Scarry
06 Oct 07
Blue: The History of a Color
by Michael Pasteureau
06 Oct 07
Only a Promise of Happiness
by Alexander Nehemas
04 Oct 07
A Barrel of Laughs a Vale of Tears
by Jules Feiffer
04 Oct 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 21 (Ranma 1/2 21)
by Rumiko Takahashi
02 Oct 07
House of Mirth
by Edith Wharton
30 Sep 07
Collecting the New
by Bruce Altshuler, editor
29 Sep 07
A Year in Provence
by Peter Mayle
21 Sep 07
Darwin Loves You
by George Levine
18 Sep 07
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
by Susana Clarke
17 Sep 07
Information Architecture for the World Wide Web
by Peter Morville and Louis Rosenfeld
11 Sep 07
Islands in the Sky (Voyage of the Basset 1)
by Tanith Lee
02 Sep 07
Transformation (Water 3)
by Kara Dalkey
30 Aug 07
Reunion (Water 2)
by Kara Dalkey
29 Aug 07
Ascension (Water 1)
by Kara Dalkey
28 Aug 07
On Truth
by Harry G. Frankfurt
26 Aug 07
Into the Wild
by Erin Hunter
25 Aug 07
Stories of English
by David Crystal
24 Aug 07
Love Hina 1 (Love Hina 1)
by Ken Akamatsu
18 Aug 07
Unscientific Americans
by Roz Chast
17 Aug 07
Parallel Universes
by Roz Chast
15 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 20 (Ranma 1/2 20)
by Rumiko Takahashi
13 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 19 (Ranma 1/2 19)
by Rumiko Takahashi
13 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 18 (Ranma 1/2 18)
by Rumiko Takahashi
13 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 17 (Ranma 1/2 17)
by Rumiko Takahashi
13 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 16 (Ranma 1/2 16)
by Rumiko Takahashi
12 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 15 (Ranma 1/2 15)
by Rumiko Takahashi
11 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 14 (Ranma 1/2 14)
by Rumiko Takahashi
10 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 13 (Ranma 1/2 13)
by Rumiko Takahashi
09 Aug 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 12 (Ranma 1/2 12)
by Rumiko Takahashi
09 Aug 07
The Non-Designer's Design Book
by Robin Williams
28 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter 7)
by J.K. Rowling
25 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Harry Potter 6)
by J.K. Rowling
22 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter 5)
by J.K. Rowling
21 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter 4)
by J.K. Rowling
20 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter 3)
by J.K. Rowling
15 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter 2)
by J.K. Rowling
15 Jul 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 11 (Ranma 1/2 11)
by Rumiko Takahashi
14 Jul 07
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter 1)
by J.K. Rowling
13 Jul 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 10 (Ranma 1/2 10)
by Rumiko Takahashi
11 Jul 07
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: College
by Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht, and Jennifer Worick
11 Jul 07
The Ramayana
by Retold by William Buck
11 Jul 07
by A.A. Milne
02 Jul 07
The Coelura
by Anne McCaffrey
02 Jul 07
My Point... And I Do Have One
by Ellen DeGeneres
01 Jul 07
The Parent Trap
by Vic Crume
30 Jun 07
That Darn Cat
by The Gordons
30 Jun 07
Ever After: A Cinderella Story
by Wendy Loggia
30 Jun 07
Midnight Blue
by Pauline Fisk
30 Jun 07
by Susan Cooper
29 Jun 07
Gaia Abducted
by Francine Pascal
28 Jun 07
Before Gaia
by Francine Pascal
26 Jun 07
A Sending of Dragons (Pit Dragons 3)
by Jane Yolen
22 Jun 07
Heart's Blood (Pit Dragons 2)
by Jane Yolen
22 Jun 07
Law as Culture
by Lawrence Rosen
18 Jun 07
Dragon's Blood (Pit Dragons 1)
by Jane Yolen
14 Jun 07
Titan A.E.
by Steve Perry
13 Jun 07
The Unadulterated Cat
by Terry Pratchett and Gray Jolliffe
11 Jun 07
Monstrous Regiment (Discworld 31)
by Terry Pratchett
10 Jun 07
Dilbert Gives You the Buisness (Dilbert 14)
by Scott Adams
09 Jun 07
The Elements of User Experience
by Jesse James Garrett
05 Jun 07
You'll Have That Vol 2 (You'll Have That 2)
by Wes Molebash
03 Jun 07
You'll Have That Vol 1 (You'll Have That 1)
by Wes Molebash
02 Jun 07
by Terry Pratchett
02 Jun 07
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
by E.L. Konigsburg
30 May 07
by Herman Weyl
28 May 07
Prioritizing Web Usability
by Jakob Nielsen and Hoa Loranger
26 May 07
Silver on the Tree (The Dark is Rising 5)
by Susan Cooper
24 May 07
The Grey King (The Dark is Rising 4)
by Susan Cooper
17 May 07
Greenwitch (The Dark is Rising 3)
by Susan Cooper
17 May 07
by William Safire
17 May 07
The Dark Is Rising (The Dark is Rising 2)
by Susan Cooper
15 May 07
Over Sea, Under Stone (The Dark is Rising 1)
by Susan Cooper
13 May 07
Design Basics Index
by Jim Krause
04 May 07
The Year of the Griffin
by Diana Wynne Jones
02 May 07
Song in the Silence (Song in the Silence 1)
by Elizabeth Kerner
29 Apr 07
Nice Costs Extra! (One Big Happy 2)
by Rick Detorie
21 Apr 07
None of This Fun Is My Fault! (One Big Happy 4)
by Rick Detorie
21 Apr 07
Ceres: Celestial Legend, Volume 1 (Ceres: Celestial Legend 1)
by Yu Watase
18 Apr 07
Dark Lord of Derkholm
by Diana Wynne Jones
17 Apr 07
Abhorsen (The Old Kingdom 3)
by Garth Nix
11 Apr 07
Lirael (The Old Kingdom 2)
by Garth Nix
07 Apr 07
Sabriel (The Old Kingdom 1)
by Garth Nix
02 Apr 07
Snipers, Shills, and Sharks
by Ken Stieglitz
28 Mar 07
Book Business
by Jason Epstein
24 Mar 07
Ranma 1/2 Volume 9 (Ranma 1/2 9)
by Rumiko Takahashi
19 Mar 07
The Evasion-English Dictionary
by Maggie Balistreri
14 Mar 07
A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire 4)
by George R.R. Martin
14 Mar 07
Random Zits (Zits 7)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
02 Mar 07
Megatokyo (Megatokyo 4)
by Fred Gallagher
02 Mar 07
Ayn Rand Answers
by Robert Mayhew
01 Mar 07
Red Unicorn (Unicorn 3)
by Tanith Lee
27 Feb 07
Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire 3)
by George R.R. Martin
16 Feb 07
Gold Unicorn (Unicorn 2)
by Tanith Lee
30 Jan 07
Black Unicorn (Unicorn 1)
by Tanith Lee
27 Jan 07
The Dragon's Boy
by Jane Yolen
23 Jan 07
The Five People You Meet in Heaven
by Mitch Albom
23 Jan 07
The Remarkable Journey of Prince Jen
by Lloyd Alexander
21 Jan 07
An Introduction to Old English
by Richard Hogg
20 Jan 07
Conversations with JK Rowling
by Lindsey Fraser
19 Jan 07
Wizard! Harry Potter's Brand Magic
by Stephen Brown
16 Jan 07
The Truth (Discworld 25)
by Terry Pratchett
14 Jan 07
I'm Not Anti-Business, I'm Anti-Idiot (Dilbert 11)
by Scott Adams
11 Jan 07
Thief of Time (Discworld 26)
by Terry Pratchett
11 Jan 07
A City in Winter (Swan Lake 2)
by Mark Helprin
07 Jan 07
Enormously Foxtrot (Fox Trot 5)
by Bill Amend
31 Dec 06
Ranma 1/2 volume 8 (Ranma 1/2 8)
by Rumiko Takahashi
30 Dec 06
Ranma 1/2 volume 7 (Ranma 1/2 7)
by Rumiko Takahashi
30 Dec 06
Zits Supersized (Zits 6)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
30 Dec 06
Discover the Destroyer (Everworld 5)
by K.A. Applegate
29 Dec 06
Realm of the Reaper (Everworld 4)
by K.A. Applegate
27 Dec 06
Enter the Enchanted (Everworld 3)
by K.A. Applegate
26 Dec 06
Crack of Noon (Zits 9)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
24 Dec 06
Land of Loss (Everworld 2)
by K.A. Applegate
22 Dec 06
Search for Senna (Everworld 1)
by K.A. Applegate
17 Dec 06
The Witches of Bailiwick (The Adventures of Beatrice Bailey 5)
by Sandra Forrester
14 Dec 06
The Witches of Winged-Horse Mountain (The Adventures of Beatrice Bailey 4)
by Sandra Forrester
11 Dec 06
A Well-Timed Enchantment
by Vivian Vande Velde
09 Dec 06
Wizard at Work
by Vivian Vande Velde
09 Dec 06
Heir Apparent
by Vivian Vande Velde
08 Dec 06
by Michael Lewis
07 Dec 06
Gone (Fearless 36)
by Francine Pascal
30 Nov 06
Exposed (Fearless 35)
by Francine Pascal
29 Nov 06
Fake (Fearless 34)
by Francine Pascal
28 Nov 06
Wired (Fearless 33)
by Francine Pascal
28 Nov 06
Terror (Fearless 32)
by Francine Pascal
26 Nov 06
Normal (Fearless 31)
by Francine Pascal
25 Nov 06
Magic by the Book
by Nina Bernstein
24 Nov 06
The Penderwicks
by Jeanne Birdsall
22 Nov 06
Ranma 1/2 volume 6 (Ranma 1/2 6)
by Rumiko Takahashi
19 Nov 06
The Tenth City (Land of Elyon 3)
by Patrick Carman
19 Nov 06
Ranma 1/2 volume 5 (Ranma 1/2 5)
by Rumiko Takahashi
19 Nov 06
Ranma 1/2 volume 4 (Ranma 1/2 4)
by Rumiko Takahashi
18 Nov 06
Freak (Fearless 30)
by Francine Pascal
18 Nov 06
Lust (Fearless 29)
by Francine Pascal
15 Nov 06
Chase (Fearless 28)
by Francine Pascal
14 Nov 06
Shock (Fearless 27)
by Francine Pascal
13 Nov 06
Escape (Fearless 26)
by Francine Pascal
12 Nov 06
Lost (Fearless 25)
by Francine Pascal
11 Nov 06
Betrayed (Fearless 24)
by Francine Pascal
11 Nov 06
Fear (Fearless 23)
by Francine Pascal
10 Nov 06
Seven Years of Highly Defective People (Dilbert 10)
by Scott Adams
10 Nov 06
Alone (Fearless 22)
by Francine Pascal
10 Nov 06
Blind (Fearless 21)
by Francine Pascal
08 Nov 06
Don't Make Me Think
by Steve Krug
06 Nov 06
Eye and Brain
by Richard L. Gregory
05 Nov 06
The Great Hunt (Wheel of Time 2)
by Robert Jordan
04 Nov 06
The Big Problem of Small Change
by Thomas J. Sargent and François R. Velde
28 Oct 06
Good and Plenty
by Tyler Cowen
27 Oct 06
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
by Oliver Sacks
17 Oct 06
A Clash of Kings (A Song of Ice and Fire 2)
by George R.R. Martin
13 Oct 06
When Did Ignorance Become a Point of View? (Dilbert 18)
by Scott Adams
08 Oct 06
Why Size Matters
by John Tyler Bonner
05 Oct 06
A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire 1)
by George R.R. Martin
27 Sep 06
Ranma 1/2 Volume 3 (Ranma 1/2 3)
by Rumiko Takahashi
21 Sep 06
Ranma 1/2 Volume 2 (Ranma 1/2 2)
by Rumiko Takahashi
20 Sep 06
The House of Arden
by E. Nesbit
16 Sep 06
The Magic World
by E. Nesbit
14 Sep 06
The Kin (The Kin 1)
by Peter Dickinson
12 Sep 06
Ranma 1/2 Volume 1 (Ranma 1/2 1)
by Rumiko Takahashi
09 Sep 06
Heartlight (The Adventures of Kate 1)
by T.A. Barron
05 Sep 06
Ptolemy's Gate (Bartimaeus 3)
by Jonathan Stroud
02 Sep 06
For Biddle's Sake (The Princess Tales 5)
by Gail Carson Levine
30 Aug 06
Time Cat
by Lloyd Alexander
27 Aug 06
Perilous Gard
by Elizabeth Marie Pope
22 Aug 06
A Hat Full of Sky (Young Discworld 3)
by Terry Pratchett
18 Aug 06
The Wee Free Men (Young Discworld 2)
by Terry Pratchett
15 Aug 06
The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents (Young Discworld 1)
by Terry Pratchett
13 Aug 06
Build a Better Life by Stealing Office Supplies (Dilbert 2)
by Scott Adams
11 Aug 06
The Iron Ring
by Lloyd Alexander
10 Aug 06
Clues for the Clueless (Dilbert 3)
by Scott Adams
09 Aug 06
Rhymes with Orange
by Hillary B. Price
06 Aug 06
The Aria (A Distant Soil 3)
by Colleen Doran
03 Aug 06
The Ascendant (A Distant Soil 2)
by Colleen Doran
01 Aug 06
The Masterharper of Pern
by Anne McCaffrey
24 Jul 06
The Gathering (A Distant Soil 1)
by Colleen Doran
09 Jul 06
by Anne McCaffrey
08 Jul 06
The Dolphins of Pern
by Anne McCaffrey
04 Jul 06
Cardcaptor Sakura 1 (Cardcaptor Sakura 1)
by Clamp
01 Jul 06
by Clamp
01 Jul 06
Four Shojo Stories
by Viz
01 Jul 06
Life of Pi
by Yann Martel
30 Jun 06
The Graduate
by Charles Webb
25 Jun 06
The Stones Are Hatching
by Geraldine McCaughrean
23 Jun 06
The Wind Singer (Wind Singer 1)
by William Nicholson
22 Jun 06
The Children of Green Knowe (Green Knowe 1)
by Lucy M. Boston
21 Jun 06
Bulletproof Web Design
by Dan Cederholm
20 Jun 06
Summer Switch (Freaky Friday 3)
by Mary Rodgers
17 Jun 06
The Straight Dope
by Cecil Adams
17 Jun 06
Doctor Dolittle's Circus (Doctor Dolittle 4)
by Hugh Lofting
16 Jun 06
The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle (Doctor Dolittle 2)
by Hugh Lofting
15 Jun 06
Frog and Toad All Year (Frog and Toad 3)
by Arnold Lobel
11 Jun 06
The Story of Doctor Dolittle (Doctor Dolittle 1)
by Hugh Lofting
11 Jun 06
The King's Equal
by Katherine Paterson
11 Jun 06
Commander Toad in Space
by Jane Yolen
11 Jun 06
Henry's Gift: The Magic Eye
by David Worsick
11 Jun 06
Son of Summer Stars (Firebringer 3)
by Meredith Ann Pierce
11 Jun 06
Payback (Fearless 6)
by Francine Pascal
08 Jun 06
Dark Moon (Firebringer 2)
by Meredith Ann Pierce
08 Jun 06
Birth of the Firebringer (Firebringer 1)
by Meredith Ann Pierce
03 Jun 06
Princess Nevermore
by Dian Curtis Regan
31 May 06
Murphy's Law Book Two: More Reasons Why Things Go Wrong
by Arthur Bloch
30 May 06
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (The Wolves Chronicles 1)
by Joan Aiken
30 May 06
The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook
by Joshua Piven and David Borgenicht
28 May 06
The Phantom of the Opera
by Gaston Leroux
28 May 06
The Princess Test (The Princess Tales 2)
by Gail Carson Levine
26 May 06
Excuse Me While I Wag (Dilbert 17)
by Scott Adams
25 May 06
The Nature of Natural History
by Marston Bates
25 May 06
Native Tongues
by Charles Berlitz
23 May 06
The Snowflake: Winter's Secret Beauty
by Kenneth Libbrecht and Patricia Rasmussen
20 May 06
A Suitable Boy
by Vikram Seth
14 May 06
Beyond the Valley of Thorns (Land of Elyon 2)
by Patrick Carman
07 May 06
A Century in Books
by Princeton Univ. Press
14 Apr 06
by Tom Raabe
04 Apr 06
New Times in Modern Japan
by Stefan Tanaka
31 Mar 06
Journey to Cubeville (Dilbert 12)
by Scott Adams
26 Mar 06
Murphy's Law and Other Reasons Things Go Wrong!
by Arthur Bloch
25 Mar 06
Bring Me the Head of Willy the Mailboy! (Dilbert 6)
by Scott Adams
25 Mar 06
The Wednesday Witch
by Ruth Chew
21 Mar 06
Born Confused
by Tanuja Desai Hidier
19 Mar 06
How to Cure a Fanatic
by Amos Oz
07 Mar 06
Megatokyo (Megatokyo 3)
by Fred Gallagher
05 Mar 06
Megatokyo (Megatokyo 2)
by Fred Gallagher and Rodney Caston
05 Mar 06
Megatokyo (Megatokyo 1)
by Fred Gallagher and Rodney Caston
04 Mar 06
Blind (Fearless 21)
by Francine Pascal
03 Mar 06
Sex (Fearless 20)
by Francine Pascal
01 Mar 06
Twins (Fearless 19)
by Francine Pascal
28 Feb 06
Love (Fearless 18)
by Francine Pascal
26 Feb 06
Flee (Fearless 17)
by Francine Pascal
25 Feb 06
Naked (Fearless 16)
by Francine Pascal
25 Feb 06
Tears (Fearless 15)
by Francine Pascal
23 Feb 06
Missing (Fearless 14)
by Francine Pascal
22 Feb 06
Bad (Fearless 13)
by Francine Pascal
20 Feb 06
Killer (Fearless 12)
by Francine Pascal
18 Feb 06
Trust (Fearless 11)
by Francine Pascal
18 Feb 06
Liar (Fearless 10)
by Francine Pascal
17 Feb 06
Blood (Fearless 9)
by Francine Pascal
16 Feb 06
Heat (Fearless 8)
by Francine Pascal
15 Feb 06
Carpe Jugulum (Discworld 23)
by Terry Pratchett
14 Feb 06
The Reasons of Love
by Harry G. Frankfurt
12 Feb 06
Rebel (Fearless 7)
by Francine Pascal
09 Feb 06
I Gave at the Office
by Greg Howard and Craig MacIntosh
05 Feb 06
Kiss (Fearless 5)
by Francine Pascal
04 Feb 06
Twisted (Fearless 4)
by Francine Pascal
04 Feb 06
Run (Fearless 3)
by Francine Pascal
04 Feb 06
by Rudyard Kipling
02 Feb 06
Holy Cow
by Sarah MacDonald
18 Jan 06
Gai-Jin (Asian Saga 6)
by James Clavell
14 Jan 06
Hogfather (Discworld 20)
by Terry Pratchett
21 Dec 05
The Mirror of Fire and Dreaming (The Brotherhood of the Conch 2)
by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
18 Dec 05
The Conch Bearer (The Brotherhood of the Conch 1)
by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
15 Dec 05
The Japanese Experience
by W. G. Beasley
11 Dec 05
Memoirs of a Geisha
by Arthur Golden
05 Dec 05
Seven-Day Magic
by Edward Eager
02 Dec 05
Tai-Pan (Asian Saga 2)
by James Clavell
30 Nov 05
by Stanley Wolpert
11 Nov 05
The Disappearance (W.i.t.c.h. 2)
by Disney
10 Nov 05
The Power of Five (W.i.t.c.h. 1)
by Disney
06 Nov 05
Casual Day Has Gone Too Far (Dilbert 9)
by Scott Adams
06 Nov 05
Life and Death on Mount Everest
by Sherry B. Ortner
03 Nov 05
Wizards' Worlds
by Andre Norton
27 Oct 05
The Merchant of Death (Pendragon 1)
by D.J. MacHale
21 Oct 05
Always Postpone Meetings with Time-Wasting Morons (Dilbert 1)
by Scott Adams
19 Oct 05
by Andre Norton & Martin H. Greenberg, editors
19 Oct 05
Ralestone Luck
by Andre Norton
14 Oct 05
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
by Anne McCaffrey
09 Oct 05
Iron Butterflies
by Andre Norton
07 Oct 05
Black and Blue Magic
by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
02 Oct 05
Me and My Little Brain (The Great Brain 3)
by John D. Fitzgerald
01 Oct 05
Say Hello to Cactus Flats (Fox Trot 6)
by Bill Amend
29 Sep 05
More Adventures of the Great Brain (The Great Brain 2)
by John D. Fitzgerald
28 Sep 05
The Great Brain (The Great Brain 1)
by John D. Fitzgerald
28 Sep 05
Princeton University Press 1905-2005
by PUP Staff
26 Sep 05
The Forgotten Door
by Alexander Key
26 Sep 05
The Lost Prince
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
25 Sep 05
Shark Lady
by Ann McGovern
24 Sep 05
The Akhenaten Adventure (Children of the Lamp 1)
by P.B. Kerr
24 Sep 05
A Dusk of Demons
by John Christopher
19 Sep 05
The Dark Hills Divide (Land of Elyon 1)
by Patrick Carman
19 Sep 05
All the Weyrs of Pern
by Anne McCaffrey
18 Sep 05
Norby: Robot for Hire (Norby 3)
by Janet and Isaac Asimov
13 Sep 05
Sam (Fearless 2)
by Francine Pascal
11 Sep 05
Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook
by Scott Adams
11 Sep 05
The Norby Chronicles (Norby 1)
by Janet and Isaac Asimov
09 Sep 05
Fearless (Fearless 1)
by Francine Pascal
08 Sep 05
The Beggar Queen (Westmark 3)
by Lloyd Alexander
07 Sep 05
The Kestrel (Westmark 2)
by Lloyd Alexander
06 Sep 05
Westmark (Westmark 1)
by Lloyd Alexander
05 Sep 05
Crown Duel
by Sherwood Smith
04 Sep 05
White Oleander
by Janet Fitch
03 Sep 05
Fox Trot (Fox Trot 1)
by Bill Amend
02 Sep 05
All About Language
by Mario Pei
30 Aug 05
Focus or Failure
by James H. Amos
27 Aug 05
The Story of British English
by J.N. Hook
21 Aug 05
Writing Systems of the World
by Akira Nakanishi
21 Aug 05
The Sword of the Spirits (The Prince in Waiting 3)
by John Christopher
20 Aug 05
Beyond the Burning Lands (The Prince in Waiting 2)
by John Christopher
20 Aug 05
The Prince in Waiting (The Prince in Waiting 1)
by John Christopher
17 Aug 05
The Story of the Amulet
by E. Nesbit
13 Aug 05
The Fairy's Return (The Princess Tales 6)
by Gail Carson Levine
09 Aug 05
The Fairy's Mistake (The Princess Tales 1)
by Gail Carson Levine
09 Aug 05
Dragondrums (Harper Hall 3)
by Anne McCaffrey
08 Aug 05
Dragonsinger (Harper Hall 2)
by Anne McCaffrey
07 Aug 05
Bored of the Rings
by Harvard Lampoon
05 Aug 05
Dragonsong (Harper Hall 1)
by Anne McCaffrey
05 Aug 05
Stop Stealing Sheep and Find Out How Type Works
by Erik Spiekermann and E. M. Ginger
04 Aug 05
The Renegades of Pern
by Anne McCaffrey
03 Aug 05
by Anne McCaffrey
28 Jul 05
How Are You Peeling?
by Saxton Freymann and Joost Elffers
27 Jul 05
Starship Troopers
by Robert A. Heinlein
24 Jul 05
Backyard Dragon
by Betsy and Samuel Sterman
24 Jul 05
The Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet (The Secrets of Droon 1)
by Tony Abbott
23 Jul 05
The Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds
by H. G. Wells
22 Jul 05
It's Obvious You Won't Survive By Your Wits Alone (Dilbert 5)
by Scott Adams
22 Jul 05
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Harry Potter 6)
by J.K. Rowling
17 Jul 05
Zits Unzipped (Zits 5)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
11 Jul 05
Eldest (The Inheritance 2)
by Christopher Paolini
09 Jul 05
A Time of Darkness
by Sherryl Jordan
07 Jul 05
Messenger (Giver 3)
by Lois Lowry
30 Jun 05
Gathering Blue (Giver 2)
by Lois Lowry
30 Jun 05
The Giver (Giver 1)
by Lois Lowry
27 Jun 05
Lost Words
by L. S. Jacyna
27 Jun 05
Eragon (The Inheritance 1)
by Christopher Paolini
26 Jun 05
Rhymes with Orange
by Hilary B. Price
25 Jun 05
Nerilka's Story
by Anne McCaffrey
20 Jun 05
The Girl Who Heard Dragons
by Anne McCaffrey
19 Jun 05
The Return of the Lone Iguana (Fox Trot 9)
by Bill Amend
11 Jun 05
Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo (Leven Thumps 1)
by Obert Skye
09 Jun 05
The Copyeditor's Handbook
by Amy Einsohn
06 Jun 05
The Star Wars Trilogy
by George Lucas, Donald F. Glut & James Kahn
05 Jun 05
Ultra: Seven Days
by The Luna Brothers
04 Jun 05
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter 5)
by J.K. Rowling
25 May 05
The Imaginative Argument
by Frank Cioffi
20 May 05
How to Solve It
by G. Polya
16 May 05
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter 4)
by J.K. Rowling
14 May 05
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter 3)
by J.K. Rowling
10 May 05
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter 2)
by J.K. Rowling
08 May 05
The Secret Tree-House
by Ruth Chew
07 May 05
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter 1)
by J.K. Rowling
03 May 05
The Real Thief
by William Steig
30 Apr 05
by James Michener
30 Apr 05
Woe Is I
by Patricia T. O'Conner
13 Apr 05
Reflections in the Ice
by Derek Parra
10 Apr 05
Mostly Harmless (THHGTTG 5)
by Douglas Adams
06 Apr 05
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish (THHGTTG 4)
by Douglas Adams
05 Apr 05
Life, the Universe, and Everything (THHGTTG 3)
by Douglas Adams
05 Apr 05
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (THHGTTG 2)
by Douglas Adams
04 Apr 05
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (THHGTTG 1)
by Douglas Adams
03 Apr 05
The Map that Changed the World
by Simon Winchester
02 Apr 05
Piled Higher and Deeper (PhD 1)
by Jorge Cham
27 Mar 05
Fugitive from the Cubicle Police (Dilbert 8)
by Scott Adams
26 Mar 05
The Graphic Work of M. C. Escher
by tr. John E. Brigham
25 Mar 05
by Edwin Abbott Abbott
24 Mar 05
The Golden Swan (The Book of Isle 5)
by Nancy Springer
21 Mar 05
The Charm Bracelet (Fairy Realm 1)
by Emily Rodda
19 Mar 05
The Black Beast (The Book of Isle 4)
by Nancy Springer
19 Mar 05
On Bulls**t
by Harry G. Frankfurt
18 Mar 05
The Secret Life of Bees
by Sue Monk Kidd
14 Mar 05
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
by Gregory Maguire
13 Mar 05
D'Aulaires Book of Greek Myths
by Ingri and Edgar Parin D'Aulaire
11 Mar 05
The Sable Moon (The Book of Isle 3)
by Nancy Springer
10 Mar 05
Linnea in Monet's Garden
by Christina Bjork and Lena Anderson
06 Mar 05
Dear Sir
by Juliet Lowell
06 Mar 05
Walks Through Napoleon and Josephine's Paris
by Diana Reid Haig
06 Mar 05
The Silver Sun (The Book of Isle 2)
by Nancy Springer
06 Mar 05
The White Hart (The Book of Isle 1)
by Nancy Springer
03 Mar 05
I am Morgan le Fay
by Nancy Springer
28 Feb 05
I am Mordred
by Nancy Springer
27 Feb 05
A Book of Dragons
by Roger Lancelyn Green
27 Feb 05
The Secret Summer
by Ruth Chew
26 Feb 05
by Brian Daley
25 Feb 05
The Witch at the Window
by Ruth Chew
24 Feb 05
Japan: The Story of a Nation
by Edwin O. Reischauer
22 Feb 05
The Magic City
by E. Nesbit
20 Feb 05
The Phoenix and the Carpet
by E. Nesbit
14 Feb 05
The Witches of Sea-Dragon Bay (The Adventures of Beatrice Bailey 2)
by Sandra Forrester
11 Feb 05
Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science
by L. Ron Hubbard
08 Feb 05
Ella Enchanted
by Gail Carson Levine
05 Feb 05
The People of Sparks (City of Ember 2)
by Jeanne DuPrau
30 Jan 05
Dragon Rider
by Cornelia Funke
25 Jan 05
The City of Ember (City of Ember 1)
by Jeanne DuPrau
20 Jan 05
The Tale of Despereaux
by Kate DiCamillo
18 Jan 05
The Prophecy of the Stones
by Flavia Bujor
18 Jan 05
by Anne McCaffrey
09 Jan 05
Get Off the Unicorn!
by Anne McCaffrey
01 Jan 05
The White Dragon (Dragonriders of Pern 3)
by Anne McCaffrey
29 Dec 04
Dragonquest (Dragonriders of Pern 2)
by Anne McCaffrey
25 Dec 04
Dragonflight (Dragonriders of Pern 1)
by Anne McCaffrey
21 Dec 04
From Hand to Mouth
by Michael C. Corballis
15 Dec 04
The Golem's Eye (Bartimaeus 2)
by Jonathan Stroud
10 Dec 04
by Diana Wynne Jones
05 Dec 04
8 Preposterous Propositions
by Robert Ehrlich
05 Dec 04
The Story of Mathematics
by Richard Mankiewicz
26 Nov 04
Zhuangzi Speaks
by Trans. Brian Bruya
23 Nov 04
The Saint of Dragons
by Jason Hightman
23 Nov 04
What We Owe Iraq
by Noah Feldman
18 Nov 04
A Tribble's Guide to Space
by Alan C. Tribble
17 Nov 04
A Geological Miscellany
by Craig & Jones
13 Nov 04
Return from Witch Mountain
by Alexander Key
12 Nov 04
Escape to Witch Mountain
by Alexander Key
11 Nov 04
Knights of the Round Table
by adapted by Gwen Gross
10 Nov 04
King Arthur: His Knights and Their Ladies
by Johanna Johnston
10 Nov 04
by Oliver Moore
09 Nov 04
Shadow Castle
by Marian Cockrell
08 Nov 04
Mr. Popper's Penguins
by Richard and Florence Atwater
07 Nov 04
No Flying in the House
by Betty Brock
06 Nov 04
Fantasy Stories
by ed. Diana Wynne Jones
06 Nov 04
The Last Hero (Discworld 27)
by Terry Pratchett
04 Nov 04
The Eternal Champion
by Michael Moorcock
03 Nov 04
The Amulet of Samarkand (Bartimaeus 1)
by Jonathan Stroud
31 Oct 04
ESP TV (Freaky Friday 2)
by Mary Rodgers
24 Oct 04
Book of Enchantments
by Patricia C. Wrede
24 Oct 04
A Passage to India
by E.M. Forster
20 Oct 04
by Enzo Carli
17 Oct 04
Curses, Inc.
by Vivian Vande Velde
16 Oct 04
Eragon (Inheritance Trilogy 1)
by Christopher Paolini
16 Oct 04
A Tale of Time City
by Diana Wynne Jones
10 Oct 04
The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
by Emily Dickinson
08 Oct 04
The Crown of Dalemark (Dalemark Quartet 4)
by Diana Wynne Jones
07 Oct 04
The Spellcoats (Dalemark Quartet 3)
by Diana Wynne Jones
04 Oct 04
Drowned Ammet (Dalemark Quartet 2)
by Diana Wynne Jones
01 Oct 04
Cart and Cwidder (Dalemark Quartet 1)
by Diana Wynne Jones
28 Sep 04
Witch Week
by Diana Wynne Jones
27 Sep 04
The Magicians of Caprona (The Chronicles of Chrestomanci 4)
by Diana Wynne Jones
24 Sep 04
Charmed Life; The Lives of Christopher Chant (The Chronicles of Chrestomanci 1)
by Diana Wynne Jones
22 Sep 04
Eats, Shoots & Leaves
by Lynne Truss
16 Sep 04
The October Horse (The Masters of Rome 6)
by Colleen McCullough
13 Sep 04
Caesar (The Masters of Rome 5)
by Colleen McCullough
21 Aug 04
The Fracture Zone
by Simon Winchester
13 Aug 04
Dragons and Unicorns
by Paul and Karin Johnsgard
09 Aug 04
Briar Rose
by Robert Coover
08 Aug 04
The Railway Children
by E. Nesbit
08 Aug 04
To Kill a King
by Madeleine Polland
07 Aug 04
Cinderellis and the Glass Hill (The Princess Tales 4)
by Gail Carson Levine
05 Aug 04
Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep (The Princess Tales 3)
by Gail Carson Levine
05 Aug 04
The Bad Beginning (A Series of Unfortunate Events 1)
by Lemony Snicket
04 Aug 04
The Hidden City (The Tamuli 3)
by David Eddings
04 Aug 04
The Shining Ones (The Tamuli 2)
by David Eddings
29 Jul 04
Get Thee to a Punnery
by Richard Lederer
28 Jul 04
The Treasure Seekers
by E. Nesbit
27 Jul 04
Domes of Fire (The Tamuli 1)
by David Eddings
17 Jul 04
The Sapphire Rose (The Elenium 3)
by David Eddings
06 Jul 04
The Ruby Knight (The Elenium 2)
by David Eddings
03 Jul 04
The Diamond Throne (The Elenium 1)
by David Eddings
02 Jul 04
The Field Guide (The Spiderwick Chronicles 1)
by Tony DiTerlizzi and Holly Black
28 Jun 04
Lyra's Oxford
by Philip Pullman
28 Jun 04
Just Ella
by Margaret Peterson Haddix
28 Jun 04
The Fantasy Worlds of Peter Beagle
by Peter S. Beagle
27 Jun 04
Devil in the Mountain
by Simon Lamb
23 Jun 04
Jingo (Discworld 21)
by Terry Pratchett
18 Jun 04
Inkheart (Inkheart 1)
by Cornelia Funke
14 Jun 04
The Company of Strangers
by Paul Seabright
12 Jun 04
by Simon Winchester
06 Jun 04
The Witches of Friar's Lantern (The Adventures of Beatrice Bailey 3)
by Sandra Forrester
03 Jun 04
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander
31 May 04
Quidditch Through the Ages
by Kennilworthy Whisp
31 May 04
Shave the Whales (Dilbert 4)
by Scott Adams
31 May 04
Still Pumped from Using the Mouse (Dilbert 7)
by Scott Adams
29 May 04
The Linguist and the Emperor
by Daniel Myerson
28 May 04
The Everyday Witch (The Adventures of Beatrice Bailey 1)
by Sandra Forrester
25 May 04
The Thief Lord
by Cornelia Funke
24 May 04
The Book of Assassins
by George Fetherling
22 May 04
The Witch's Buttons
by Ruth Chew
20 May 04
The Last Continent (Discworld 22)
by Terry Pratchett
17 May 04
Eric (Discworld 9)
by Terry Pratchett
15 May 04
Calvin and Hobbes: Sunday Pages 1985-1995
by Bill Watterson
14 May 04
The Intelligent Investor
by Benjamin Graham
01 May 04
Interesting Times (Discworld 17)
by Terry Pratchett
24 Apr 04
Lords and Ladies (Discworld 14)
by Terry Pratchett
20 Apr 04
Witches Abroad (Discworld 12)
by Terry Pratchett
18 Apr 04
Wish, Come True
by Mary Q. Steele
17 Apr 04
Crystal Line (Crystal Singer 3)
by Anne McCaffrey
11 Apr 04
Killashandra (Crystal Singer 2)
by Anne McCaffrey
07 Apr 04
Crystal Singer (Crystal Singer 1)
by Anne McCaffrey
05 Apr 04
The Art of Deception
by Nicholas Capaldi
04 Apr 04
A World Lit Only by Fire
by William Manchester
25 Mar 04
The Story of My Life
by Helen Keller
17 Mar 04
Elizabeth: The Struggle for the Throne
by David Starkey
12 Mar 04
His Own People
by Booth Tarkington
09 Mar 04
Rocks and Minerals
by Herbert S. Zim and Paul R. Shaffer
08 Mar 04
Zits Supersized (Zits 5)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
07 Mar 04
The Dream of Scipio
by Iain Pears
03 Mar 04
October Sky
by Homer H. Hickam, Jr.
23 Feb 04
The World Encyclopedia of Flags
by Alfred Znamierowski
22 Feb 04
Who Put the Butter in Butterfly?
by David Feldman
14 Feb 04
The Miracle of Language
by Richard Lederer
12 Feb 04
The Dream of Scipio
by Iain Pears
01 Feb 04
When Do Fish Sleep?
by David Feldman
30 Jan 04
A Brief History of Time
by Stephen Hawking
20 Jan 04
What Do You Care What Other People Think?
by Richard P. Feynman
02 Jan 04
by Donna Jo Napoli
02 Jan 04
Into the Land of the Unicorns (The Unicorn Chronicles 1)
by Bruce Coville
30 Dec 03
Black Unicorn (Unicorn 1)
by Tanith Lee
29 Dec 03
Shatterglass (The Circle Opens 4)
by Tamora Pierce
28 Dec 03
Cold Fire (The Circle Opens 3)
by Tamora Pierce
25 Dec 03
Street Magic (The Circle Opens 2)
by Tamora Pierce
23 Dec 03
Magic Steps (The Circle Opens 1)
by Tamora Pierce
23 Dec 03
Briar's Book (The Circle of Magic 4)
by Tamora Pierce
22 Dec 03
Daja's Book (The Circle of Magic 3)
by Tamora Pierce
19 Dec 03
Tris's Book (The Circle of Magic 2)
by Tamora Pierce
19 Dec 03
Sandry's Book (The Circle of Magic 1)
by Tamora Pierce
19 Dec 03
The Copywriter's Handbook
by Robert W. Bly
17 Dec 03
Seeress of Kell (The Malloreon 5)
by David Eddings
12 Dec 03
Sorceress of Darshiva (The Malloreon 4)
by David Eddings
10 Dec 03
Demon Lord of Karanda (The Malloreon 3)
by David Eddings
08 Dec 03
King of the Murgos (The Malloreon 2)
by David Eddings
04 Dec 03
Guardians of the West (The Malloreon 1)
by David Eddings
01 Dec 03
Enchanters' End Game (The Belgariad 5)
by David Eddings
28 Nov 03
Castle of Wizardry (The Belgariad 4)
by David Eddings
26 Nov 03
Magicians' Gambit (The Belgariad 3)
by David Eddings
23 Nov 03
Queen of Sorcery (The Belgariad 2)
by David Eddings
21 Nov 03
Pawn of Prophecy (The Belgariad 1)
by David Eddings
19 Nov 03
The Fledgling (Hall Family Chronicles 4)
by Jane Langton
17 Nov 03
The Harp of Imach Thyssel (Lyra 3)
by Patricia C. Wrede
16 Nov 03
Men of Iron
by Howard Pyle
13 Nov 03
The Cat From Outer Space
by Ted Key
13 Nov 03
The Silver Crown
by Robert C. O'Brien
11 Nov 03
The Thief
by Megan Whalen Turner
10 Nov 03
Count Karlstein
by Philip Pullman
08 Nov 03
The Innocents Abroad
by Mark Twain
07 Nov 03
Mail-Order Wings
by Beatrice Gormley
06 Nov 03
Big Honking Zits (Zits 3)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
03 Nov 03
Humongous Zits (Zits 1)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
03 Nov 03
Wrong Way Around Magic
by Ruth Chew
01 Nov 03
Last Chance for Magic
by Ruth Chew
01 Nov 03
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
by Ken Kesey
19 Oct 03
Magic of the Black Mirror
by Ruth Chew
16 Oct 03
Two Princesses of Bamarre
by Gail Carson Levine
16 Oct 03
Five Children and It
by E. Nesbit
16 Oct 03
The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles
by Julie Andrews Edwards
14 Oct 03
The Dividend Rich Investor
by Joesph Tigue and Joseph Lisanti
13 Oct 03
Magic or Not
by Edward Eager
10 Oct 03
The Well-Wishers
by Edward Eager
10 Oct 03
Magic by the Lake
by Edward Eager
09 Oct 03
The Foundling and Other Tales of Prydain
by Lloyd Alexander
09 Oct 03
Software Project Survival Guide
by Steve McConnell
08 Oct 03
The Count of Monte Cristo
by Alexandre Dumas
05 Oct 03
Witch's Broom
by Ruth Chew
11 Sep 03
Witch's Cat
by Ruth Chew
29 Aug 03
Believing is Seeing
by Diana Wynne Jones
28 Aug 03
Caesar's Women (The Masters of Rome 4)
by Colleen McCullough
05 Aug 03
Wet Magic
by E. Nesbit
24 Jul 03
The Book of Dragons
by E. Nesbit
23 Jul 03
Black Horses for the King
by Anne McCaffrey
21 Jul 03
How Could You Do That?!
by Laura Schlessinger
20 Jul 03
Anguished English
by Richard Lederer
15 Jul 03
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter 5)
by J.K. Rowling
13 Jul 03
Tom's Midnight Garden
by Philippa Pearce
12 Jul 03
The Great Brain Is Back (The Great Brain 8)
by John D. Fitzgerald
11 Jul 03
The Great Brain Does it Again (The Great Brain 7)
by John D. Fitzgerald
10 Jul 03
The Return of the Great Brain (The Great Brain 6)
by John D. Fitzgerald
08 Jul 03
Into the Wild
by Jon Krakauer
08 Jul 03
The Bookstore Mouse
by Peggy Christian
07 Jul 03
The Enchanted Castle
by E. Nesbit
07 Jul 03
The Great Brain Reforms (The Great Brain 5)
by John D. Fitzgerald
02 Jul 03
The Great Brain at the Academy (The Great Brain 4)
by John D. Fitzgerald
02 Jul 03
Maskerade (Discworld 18)
by Terry Pratchett
01 Jul 03
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter 4)
by J.K. Rowling
01 Jul 03
Soul Music (Discworld 16)
by Terry Pratchett
27 Jun 03
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter 3)
by J.K. Rowling
25 Jun 03
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter 2)
by J.K. Rowling
23 Jun 03
Reaper Man (Discworld 11)
by Terry Pratchett
22 Jun 03
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter 1)
by J.K. Rowling
20 Jun 03
The High King (The Chronicles of Prydain 5)
by Lloyd Alexander
18 Jun 03
We the Living
by Ayn Rand
15 Jun 03
Taran Wanderer (The Chronicles of Prydain 4)
by Lloyd Alexander
02 Jun 03
Survival in Auschwitz
by Primo Levi
29 May 03
The Castle of Llyr (The Chronicles of Prydain 3)
by Lloyd Alexander
26 May 03
The Black Cauldron (The Chronicles of Prydain 2)
by Lloyd Alexander
23 May 03
Too Much Magic
by Betsy and Samuel Sterman
16 May 03
Effective Therapy
by Michael Hurd
16 May 03
Civilization and its Discontents
by Sigmund Freud (trans. Joan Riviere)
07 May 03
The Talking Parcel
by Gerald Durrell
27 Apr 03
The Book of Three (The Chronicles of Prydain 1)
by Lloyd Alexander
26 Apr 03
Second-Hand Magic
by Ruth Chew
24 Apr 03
Artemis Fowl (Artemis Fowl 1)
by Eoin Colfer
24 Apr 03
Paris in the 20th Century
by Jules Verne (trans. Richard Howard)
22 Apr 03
The Far Pavillions
by M.M. Kaye
18 Apr 03
Mostly Magic
by Ruth Chew
29 Mar 03
Freedom's Ransom (Freedom/Catteni 4)
by Anne McCaffrey
25 Mar 03
The Time Garden
by Edward Eager
21 Mar 03
Pyramids (Discworld 7)
by Terry Pratchett
20 Mar 03
Freedom's Landing (Freedom/Catteni 1)
by Anne McCaffrey
15 Mar 03
The Westing Game
by Ellen Raskin
09 Mar 03
The Talisman
by Stephen King and Peter Straub
08 Mar 03
Henry V
by William Shakespeare (ed. Claire McEachern)
23 Feb 03
Ella Enchanted
by Gail Carson Levine
15 Feb 03
The Soul of a New Machine
by Tracy Kidder
03 Feb 03
The Song of Roland
by (trans./intro. Glyn Burgess)
19 Jan 03
by (trans. Michael Alexander)
10 Jan 03
Moving Pictures (Discworld 10)
by Terry Pratchett
05 Jan 03
The Amber Spyglass (His Dark Materials 3)
by Philip Pullman
03 Jan 03
When the Tripods Came (The Tripods 0)
by John Christopher
30 Dec 02
The Pool of Fire (The Tripods 3)
by John Christopher
29 Dec 02
The City of Gold and Lead (The Tripods 2)
by John Christopher
28 Dec 02
The White Mountains (The Tripods 1)
by John Christopher
28 Dec 02
Do Penguins Have Knees?
by David Feldman
27 Dec 02
Big Honking Zits (Zits 3)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
26 Dec 02
The Fairy Rebel
by Lynne Reid Banks
26 Dec 02
Trapped in Time
by Ruth Chew
25 Dec 02
Il Colore della Magia (Discworld 1)
by Terry Pratchett (traduzione di Natalia Callori)
25 Dec 02
The Subtle Knife (His Dark Materials 2)
by Philip Pullman
16 Dec 02
Good Omens
by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
15 Dec 02
One Up on Wall Street
by Peter Lynch
14 Dec 02
Flesh and Machines
by Rodney Brooks
29 Nov 02
The Road Ahead
by Bill Gates
22 Nov 02
The Enchanted Book
by Ruth Chew
21 Nov 02
The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials 1)
by Philip Pullman
16 Oct 02
Careers by Design
by Roz Goldfarb
27 Sep 02
Half Magic
by Edward Eager
26 Sep 02
The Firm
by John Grisham
24 Sep 02
Helen Keller's Teacher
by Margaret Davidson
20 Sep 02
The Miracle Worker
by William Gibson
19 Sep 02
60 Seconds and You're Hired
by Robin Ryan
18 Sep 02
Philosophy: Who Needs It
by Ayn Rand
18 Sep 02
United States Aborted
by Brian Bex
14 Sep 02
How to do Things with Words
by J.L. Austin
31 Aug 02
Night of January 16th
by Ayn Rand
25 Aug 02
The Perfect Pitch
by David Andrusia
25 Aug 02
Freaky Friday (Freaky Friday 1)
by Mary Rodgers
23 Aug 02
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology
by Ayn Rand
22 Aug 02
Humongous Zits (Zits 1)
by Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman
17 Aug 02
The Princess Bride
by William Goldman
16 Aug 02
Rich Dad Poor Dad
by Robert T. Kiyosaki
14 Aug 02
What the Witch Left
by Ruth Chew
11 Aug 02
The Adventures of Pinocchio
by Carlo Collodi
11 Aug 02
Backyard Dragon
by Betsy and Samuel Sterman
09 Aug 02
Mission to the Moon
by Lester Del Rey
08 Aug 02
Fortune's Favorites (The Masters of Rome 3)
by Colleen McCullough
08 Aug 02
The Infinite Worlds of Maybe
by Lester Del Rey
07 Aug 02
The Wind in the Willows
by Kenneth Graham
06 Aug 02
The Magic Book
by Willo D. Roberts
02 Aug 02
Dragon's Milk
by Susan Fletcher
01 Aug 02
The Transfigured Hart
by Jane Yolen
28 Jul 02
Castle in the Air
by Diana Wynne Jones
28 Jul 02
The Unicorn Sonata
by Peter S. Beagle
26 Jul 02
Charmed Life (Chronicles of Chrestomanci 1)
by Diana Wynne Jones
26 Jul 02
Witch Week
by Diana Wynne Jones
25 Jul 02
Howl's Moving Castle
by Diana Wynne Jones
23 Jul 02
The Princess and the Goblin
by George MacDonald
22 Jul 02
The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf
by Gerald Morris
19 Jul 02
The Ordinary Princess
by M.M. Kaye
17 Jul 02
Magic Steps (The Circle Opens 1)
by Tamora Pierce
16 Jul 02
Midnight Magic
by Avi
15 Jul 02
The Dragon's Boy
by Jane Yolen
14 Jul 02
Fantastic Creatures
by Asimov, Greenberg, and Waugh, editors
13 Jul 02
Winter of Magic's Return
by Pamela F. Service
12 Jul 02
The Battle for the Castle
by Elizabeth Winthrop
11 Jul 02
Escape to Witch Mountain
by Alexander Key
09 Jul 02
Rose Daughter
by Robin McKinley
08 Jul 02
The Neverending Story
by Michael Ende
07 Jul 02
The Door in the Hedge
by Robin McKinley
05 Jul 02
In the Realm of Ideas
by Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer and Gerald Nordland, editors
02 Jul 02
The Farthest Shore (Earthsea 3)
by Ursula K. Le Guin
29 Jun 02
Cinderellis and the Glass Hill (The Princess Tales 4)
by Gail Carson Levine
18 Jun 02
The Big Joke Game
by Scott Corbett
18 Jun 02
Witch Cat
by Joan Carris
18 Jun 02
Too Much Magic
by Betsy and Samuel Sterman
17 Jun 02
All the Money in the World
by Bill Brittain
17 Jun 02
It's a Magical World
by Bill Watterson
15 Jun 02
Artful Italy: The Hidden Treasures
by Ann S. Brandon
21 May 02
La Storia Infinita
by Michael Ende
09 May 02
Il Piccolo Principe
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
08 May 02
The Grass Crown (The Masters of Rome 2)
by Colleen McCullough
06 May 02
by Carlo Collodi
26 Apr 02
The Pillars of the Earth
by Ken Follett
20 Apr 02
I, Claudius
by Robert Graves
09 Apr 02
The Eye of the World (Wheel of Time 1)
by Robert Jordan
30 Mar 02
by Robin McKinley
20 Mar 02
The Would-Be Witch
by Ruth Chew
16 Mar 02
The Face in the Frost
by John Bellairs
03 Mar 02
The Secret of Nimh
by Robert C. O'Brien
01 Mar 02
Children of the Mind (Ender Quartet 3)
by Orson Scott Card
28 Feb 02
The Tombs of Atuan (Earthsea 2)
by Ursula K. Le Guin
26 Feb 02
A Wizard of Earthsea (Earthsea 1)
by Ursula K. Le Guin
25 Feb 02
by James Gleick
24 Feb 02
The Trouble with Magic
by Ruth Chew
20 Feb 02
Royal Magic
by Ruth Chew
07 Feb 02
The Witch's Buttons
by Ruth Chew
28 Jan 02
No Such Thing as a Witch
by Ruth Chew
28 Jan 02
The Witch and the Ring
by Ruth Chew
27 Jan 02
The Hidden Cave
by Ruth Chew
27 Jan 02
The Anti-industrial Revolution
by Ayn Rand
02 Jan 02
Earthstar Magic
by Ruth Chew
01 Jan 02
Wednesday Witch
by Ruth Chew
29 Dec 01
Do-it-yourself Magic
by Ruth Chew
29 Dec 01
The Days are Just Packed
by Bill Watterson
28 Dec 01
Please Explain
by Isaac Asimov
27 Dec 01
Inherit the Wind
by Jerome Lawrence and Robert E. Lee
26 Dec 01
Forerunner: The Second Venture
by Andre Norton
25 Dec 01
A Witch in the House
by Ruth Chew
23 Dec 01
Miracle in the Hills
by Mary T. Martin with Legette Blythe Sloop
23 Dec 01
Summer Magic
by Ruth Chew
21 Dec 01
The Virginian
by Owen Wister
21 Dec 01
The Fifth Elephant (Discworld 24)
by Terry Pratchett
09 Dec 01
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
by Tom Stoppard
30 Nov 01
Citipack Hong Kong
by ?
25 Nov 01
by Andre Norton
22 Nov 01
The Left Hand of Darkness
by Ursula K. Le Guin
17 Nov 01
Very Far Away from Anywhere Else
by Ursula K. Le Guin
28 Oct 01
Lord of Light
by Roger Zelazny
26 Oct 01
by Ayn Rand
10 Oct 01
For the New Intellectual
by Ayn Rand
19 Sep 01
Knight's Castle
by Edward Eager
18 Sep 01
Magic in the Park
by Ruth Chew
16 Sep 01
The Magic Coin
by Ruth Chew
16 Sep 01
The Wishing Tree
by Ruth Chew
16 Sep 01
Andersen's Fairy Tales
by Hans Christian Andersen
16 Sep 01
Finding a Balance
by Mark Kormes
10 Sep 01
Atlas Shrugged
by Ayn Rand
07 Sep 01
Guards! Guards! (Discworld 8)
by Terry Pratchett
28 Aug 01
Talking to Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles 4)
by Patricia C. Wrede
26 Aug 01
Calling on Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles 3)
by Patricia C. Wrede
24 Aug 01
Searching for Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles 2)
by Patricia C. Wrede
23 Aug 01
Dealing with Dragons (The Enchanted Forest Chronicles 1)
by Patricia C. Wrede
22 Aug 01
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
21 Aug 01
The Wicked Day (The Arthurian Saga 4)
by Mary Stewart
13 Aug 01
The Girl With the Silver Eyes
by Willo D. Roberts
07 Aug 01
The Lazy Sunday Book
by Bill Watterson
06 Aug 01
The Last Enchantment (The Arthurian Saga 3)
by Mary Stewart
02 Aug 01
by Tom Stoppard
29 Jul 01
Galileo's Daughter
by Dava Sobel
27 Jul 01
The Hollow Hills (The Arthurian Saga 2)
by Mary Stewart
23 Jul 01
Freedom's Challenge (Freedom/Catteni 3)
by Anne McCaffrey
14 Jul 01
The Crystal Cave (The Arthurian Saga 1)
by Mary Stewart
12 Jul 01
Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman!
by Richard P. Feynman
04 Jul 01
The Talking Parcel
by Gerald Durrell
29 Jun 01
The Particolored Unicorn
by Jon DeCles
26 Jun 01
Politically Correct Bedtime Stories
by James Finn Garner
23 Jun 01
Freedom's Choice (Freedom/Catteni 2)
by Anne McCaffrey
21 Jun 01
Haroun and the Sea of Stories
by Salman Rushdie
16 Jun 01
Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal
by Ayn Rand
16 Jun 01
Y = Sin X
by Mark Kormes
14 Jun 01
Freedom's Landing (Freedom/Catteni 1)
by Anne McCaffrey
13 Jun 01
Interstellar Pig
by William Sleator
10 Jun 01
Sourcery (Discworld 5)
by Terry Pratchett
09 Jun 01
Mort (Discworld 4)
by Terry Pratchett
07 Jun 01
Light Fantastic (Discworld 2)
by Terry Pratchett
04 Jun 01
Wizard's Hall
by Jane Yolen
31 May 01
The Child Within has been Awakened
by Cathy Guisewite
20 May 01
Dragon's Blood (Pit Dragons 1)
by Jane Yolen
28 Apr 01
The Voynich Manuscript
by M.E. D'Imperio
16 Apr 01
Night of January 16th
by Ayn Rand
15 Apr 01
The Girl Who Owned a City
by O.T. Nelson
05 Apr 01
Wheel of Stars
by Andre Norton
26 Mar 01
The Professor and the Madman
by Simon Winchester
24 Mar 01
Dolphin Island
by Arthur C. Clarke
22 Mar 01
Yukon Ho
by Bill Watterson
20 Mar 01
by Joanne Harris
20 Mar 01
Indiana Jones and the Philosopher's Stone (Indiana Jones 9)
by Max McCoy
18 Mar 01
Language Myths
by Laurie Bauer and Peter Trudgill, Editors.
17 Mar 01
The Joy of Work
by Scott Adams
15 Mar 01
Speaker for the Dead (Ender Quartet 2)
by Orson Scott Card
12 Mar 01
Prisoner of Zenda
by Anthony Hope
05 Mar 01
The Secret of the Lost Race
by Andre Norton
01 Mar 01
King Rat (Asian Saga 1)
by James Clavell
21 Feb 01
Wyrd Sisters (Discworld 6)
by Terry Pratchett
11 Feb 01
The Romantic Manifesto
by Ayn Rand
10 Feb 01
Prince of Chaos (The Chronicles of Amber 6)
by Roger Zelazny
23 Jan 01
Scientific Progress Goes Boink
by Bill Watterson
05 Jan 01
Equal Rites (Discworld 3)
by Terry Pratchett
04 Jan 01
The Color of Magic (Discworld 1)
by Terry Pratchett
31 Dec 00
Weirdos from Another Planet
by Bill Watterson
28 Dec 00
Feet of Clay (Discworld 19)
by Terry Pratchett
27 Dec 00
The Boy and the Samurai
by Erik Christian Haugaard
21 Dec 00
Julie's Wolfpack (Julie 3)
by Jean Craighead George
19 Dec 00
Knight of Shadows (The Chronicles of Amber 9)
by Roger Zelazny
17 Dec 00
Julie (Julie 2)
by Jean Craighead George
13 Dec 00
The Phantom Tollbooth
by Norton Juster
11 Dec 00
Men at Arms (Discworld 15)
by Terry Pratchett
10 Dec 00
Investigación de Gramática
by Patricia Vining Lunn and Janet A DeCesaris
07 Dec 00
The Key of the Keplian
by Andre Norton and Lyn McConchie
29 Nov 00
Sign of Chaos (The Chronicles of Amber 8)
by Roger Zelazny
24 Nov 00
Blood of Amber (The Chronicles of Amber 7)
by Roger Zelazny
23 Nov 00
by Charles Seife
23 Nov 00
The Virtue of Selfishness
by Ayn Rand
20 Nov 00
The 13 Clocks
by James Thurber
17 Nov 00
Trumps of Doom (The Chronicles of Amber 6)
by Roger Zelazny
14 Nov 00
The Samurai's Tale
by Erik Christian Haugaard
03 Nov 00
Small Gods (Discworld 13)
by Terry Pratchett
17 Oct 00
The Courts of Chaos (The Chronicles of Amber 5)
by Roger Zelazny
22 Sep 00
The Hand of Oberon (The Chronicles of Amber 4)
by Roger Zelazny
20 Sep 00
The Sign of the Unicorn (The Chronicles of Amber 3)
by Roger Zelazny
18 Sep 00
The Guns of Avalon (The Chronicles of Amber 2)
by Roger Zelazny
14 Sep 00
The Remains of the Day
by Kazuo Ishiguro
08 Sep 00
Still Pumped from Using the Mouse (Dilbert 7)
by Scott Adams
05 Sep 00
by Voltaire
05 Sep 00
Nine Princes in Amber (The Chronicles of Amber 1)
by Roger Zelazny
04 Sep 00
The Invaders' Plan (Mission Earth 1)
by L. Ron Hubbard
03 Sep 00
The Importance of Language
by Edited by Max Black
27 Aug 00
Grimm's Fairy Tales
by Lucas, Crane, and Edwardes, Translators
20 Aug 00
Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand
by Leonard Peikoff
20 Aug 00
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter 4)
by J.K. Rowling
09 Aug 00
The Health Hazards of NOT Going Nuclear
by Petr Beckmann
07 Aug 00
Jacob Have I Loved
by Katherine Paterson
02 Aug 00
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter 3)
by J.K. Rowling
25 Jul 00
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Harry Potter 2)
by J.K. Rowling
16 Jul 00
Water Heaters Can Fly
by Glen Slattery
14 Jul 00
Twelfth Night
by William Shakespeare
14 Jul 00
The First Man in Rome (The Masters of Rome 1)
by Colleen McCullough
12 Jul 00
Animal Farm
by George Orwell
24 Jun 00
Antony and Cleopatra
by William Shakespeare
23 Jun 00
by Jack Schaefer
21 Jun 00
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter 1)
by J.K. Rowling
20 Jun 00
Beach Music
by Pat Conroy
19 Jun 00
The Woman Who Married a Bear
by John Straley
09 Jun 00
Killing Custer
by James Welch with Paul Stekler
31 May 00
From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology
by Max Weber, translated by Gerth and Mills
29 May 00
Talk is Not Enough
by Willard Gaylin
26 May 00
Wisdom Sits in Places
by Keith H. Basso
23 May 00
A Journey into Mohawk and Oneida Country
by Harmen Meyndertsz van den Bofaert
19 May 00
On the Geneaology of Morals
by Freidrich Nietzsche
19 May 00
The New Science of Giambattista Vico
by Translated by Thomas Bergin and Max Harold Fisch
16 May 00
Ceasar and Cleopatra
by George Bernard Shaw
15 May 00
The Iliad
by Homer (Fagles)
10 May 00
The Marx-Engels Reader
by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Robert C. Tucker (Editor)
08 May 00
The Saga of the Volsungs
by Norse epic translated by Jesse L. Byock
06 May 00
The Iliad
by Homer (Lattimore)
25 Apr 00
On Liberty
by John Stuart Mill
19 Apr 00
Democracy in America
by Alexis de Tocqueville
10 Apr 00
The Warding of the Witch World (Secrets of the Witch World 3)
by Andre Norton
28 Mar 00
The Witling
by Vernor Vinge
18 Mar 00
True Names and Other Dangers
by Vernor Vinge
16 Mar 00
The Sands of Mars
by Arthur C. Clarke
08 Mar 00
by George Bernard Shaw
03 Mar 00
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide (THHGTTG 1)
by Douglas Adams
03 Mar 00
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
by David Hume
01 Mar 00
The Social Contract
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
01 Mar 00
The First and Second Discourses
by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
22 Feb 00
City of Glass
by Paul Auster
13 Feb 00
Two Treatises of Government
by John Locke
10 Feb 00
A Course in General Linguistics
by Ferdinand de Sassure
02 Feb 00
A Letter Concerning Toleration
by John Locke
26 Jan 00
by Thomas Hobbes
25 Jan 00
Ender's Game (Ender Quartet 1)
by Orson Scott Card
21 Jan 00
A Mathematician's Apology
by G H. Hardy
16 Jan 00
by Plato
14 Jan 00
Tarzan of the Apes (Tarzan 1)
by Edgar Rice Burroughes
08 Jan 00
by Dava Sobel
31 Dec 99
Shogun (Asian Saga 3)
by James Clavell
30 Dec 99
Julie of the Wolves (Julie 1)
by Jean Craighead George
25 Dec 99
A River Runs Through It.
by Norman Maclean
18 Dec 99
by Aristophanes
16 Dec 99
The Glass Menagerie
by Tennessee Williams
11 Dec 99
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (THHGTTG 2)
by Douglas Adams
10 Dec 99
The 21 Balloons
by William Pène Du Bois
28 Nov 99
Jo's Boys
by Louisa May Alcott
28 Nov 99
The Prince
by Machiavelli
20 Nov 99
The Republic
by Plato
25 Oct 99
Lysistrata and Other Plays
by Aristophanes
06 Oct 99
Of Time, Space, and Other Things
by Isaac Asimov
24 Sep 99
Tales of Ten Worlds
by Arthur C. Clarke
20 Sep 99
The Inheritance
by Louisa May Alcott
14 Sep 99
Brighton Rock
by Graham Greene
13 Sep 99
Give the Lady What She Wants
by Lloyd Wendt and Herman Kogan
10 Sep 99
Waiting for Godot
by Samuel Beckett
03 Sep 99
Eight Cousins
by Louisa May Alcott
03 Sep 99
The Catcher in the Rye
by J.D. Salinger
01 Sep 99
The 9 Billion Names of God
by Arthur C. Clarke
30 Aug 99
Rose in Bloom
by Louisa May Alcott
28 Aug 99
A Clockwork Orange
by Anthony Burgess
25 Aug 99
The Life and Opinions of Tristam Shandy, Gentleman
by Laurence Sterne
24 Aug 99
Dear Graduate
by Charles Swindall
15 Aug 99
by Floyd C. Dockeray
27 Jul 99
Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates
by Mary Mapes Dodge
25 Jul 99
A Swiftly Tilting Planet (Wrinkle in Time 3)
by Madeleine L'Engle
20 Jul 99
A Wind in the Door (Wrinkle in Time 2)
by Madeleine L'Engle
18 Jul 99
Treasure Island
by Robert Louis Stevenson
05 Jul 99
The Lords of Discipline
by Pat Conroy
03 Jul 99
We The Living
by Ayn Rand
26 Jun 99
Childhood's End
by Arthur C. Clarke
22 Jun 99
A Midsummer Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare
20 Jun 99
Downwind of Upstage
by Michael Green
18 Jun 99
Fur Magic (Magic 2)
by Andre Norton
17 Jun 99
The Year of the Unicorn
by Andre Norton
15 Jun 99
The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul
by Douglas Adams
13 Jun 99
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
by Douglas Adams
12 Jun 99
100 Years of Solitude
by Gabriel García Márquez
06 Jun 99
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
by Gabriel García Márquez
02 Jun 99
The Last Battle (Chronicles of Narnia 7)
by C.S. Lewis
01 Jun 99
The Magician's Nephew (Chronicles of Narnia 6)
by C.S. Lewis
01 Jun 99
The Horse and His Boy (Chronicles of Narnia 5)
by C.S. Lewis
30 May 99
The Silver Chair (Chronicles of Narnia 4)
by C.S. Lewis
29 May 99
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (Chronicles of Narnia 3)
by C.S. Lewis
28 May 99
Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia 2)
by C.S. Lewis
28 May 99
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia 1)
by C.S. Lewis
27 May 99
A Preface to Paradise Lost
by C.S. Lewis
27 May 99
by Mary Shelley
24 May 99
Calvin and Hobbes
by Bill Watterson
10 May 99
The Turn of the Screw and other Short Novels
by Henry James
07 May 99
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
by Steven Spielberg
25 Apr 99
The Fountainhead
by Ayn Rand
04 Apr 99
The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes
by Bill Watterson
30 Mar 99
Far from the Madding Crowd
by Thomas Hardy
27 Mar 99
Mere Christianity
by C.S. Lewis
13 Mar 99
Other Voices, Other Rooms
by Truman Capote
11 Mar 99
by Arthur C. Clarke
09 Mar 99
The Little Prince
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
07 Mar 99
Paradise Lost
by John Milton
06 Mar 99
Le Petit Prince
by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
12 Feb 99
The Time Traders
by Andre Norton
05 Feb 99
That Eye the Sky
by Tim Winton
01 Feb 99
Moby Dick
by Herman Melville
30 Jan 99
by Arthur C. Clarke
09 Jan 99
Midnight's Children
by Salman Rushdie
03 Jan 99

2210 books finished in so far.

633,501 pages in the selected books (an average of about 286 pages each).

Fiction books: 1265 (57%)
Non-fiction books: 643 (29%)
Books not marked in db as fiction or nonfiction: 302 (14%)